Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Nick U know U right -- I'd like to get maybe 50 miles inland where they got rolling hills that are actually ancient sand dunes -- If I can find what I'm looking for I'll turn some barrel vaults into part of the landscape -- Maybe put up some windmills driving auto alternators to help with power cost ?-- I can turn DC into AC with an inverter --
Got to keep an open mind and adapt to where I land !
Around here guys build underground the same way they build stills. Just bigger!
Land is mostly flat with only those rolling hills -- In the badlands round here water is hard to find -- Further away from the coast A water well -- 400 feet plus drilled at $17 per foot !-- Don't miss !
Before my life changing event 7 years ago I had a 5 car garage. Would have been a great garden
I'm going thru a life changing event right now Nick -- I hope to land on my feet -- I got my grow stuff and probably find me a frame 2- 3 bedroom home maybe an outbuilding or garage -- Get my 2 grow areas set back up then if all works out springboard from there to a legal warehouse grow !--
If the law changes after the 1st who knows I may go straight to a warehouse -- Texas is chomping at the bit to kick off legal something but they wouldn't touch someone from the dark side like me !-- U don't want a bust on your record and that dude grows weed !-- Stay dahell away from him -- The congress start talking MMJ expansion and they be wanting to talk with ole Keef -- Just don't tell nobody !
Where my medical girls ?-- I know U out there !-- I'll grow it and ya'll can be large and in charge !
Maybe keep my eye on bank foreclosure auctions and maybe a 3 or 4 Bay shop in some rural setting -- Most got an office -- I could live in the office and grow in the bays ? -- There's more ways to skin a rabbit than one !
There's more opportunity out there then you think. I used to race stock cars. Thats why I had the big garage. I had just a regular house but this huge garage out back. When I bought it the realtor said it moved slow because of the building. They had actually lowered the price because of it.
Gonna keep an open mind Nick -- I'm studying the housing market around here and it is hot -- I gotta kinda get an estimate of my equity and a bank foreclosure might be my ticket -- It's not about location-location - location for me this time -- Southern half of Texas at least 50 miles inland - Bought outright -- I'm talk to a realtor after I start the paint -- Put them to work on the Stoner Ranch-- A Rural bank foreclosure shop with a couple bays ?
Hey Rose I been watching the news -- I'm have to keep my eye on the Texas Congress -- When your brand has been dragged thru the mud like thier's has and is -- it's kinda hard to pull out that high moral card ? -- Looks like Washington gonna have a lawyer shortage -- Sooo many investigations and it's not even January yet !
I'm not a fashion guru but after Miss Nancy's performance the other day -- A long red coat and sunglasses is probably gonna be a women's fashion go to for the rest of the winter !-- It'll be hard to match the power and confidence I saw slither down that driveway the other day !-- I almost swooned !--
I make sheperd's pie regularly. Here in Cali the 2 things I never had before are pho and poke. I like both.
We have ona those here in my little town too, lotta Vietnamese around here I guess...good food too...
Pho is a Vietnamese soup and poke is a fish stew with rice
Thank you, i've never had Vietnamese food, although there's a Vietnamese restaurant about 30 minutes away. I've been told it's fairly spicey. I love fish so maybe its time to giver a go. Couldnt be no worse then what some of my ex-wives tried to pass off as food. :confused:
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