Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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6 weeks in country basicly loading C-130's as fast as we could get 'em in and out. I was one of them fools that voluntered for a field trip while waiting on Nuke Power school. They say never volunteer but I failed to get the msg.
2 friends and a cousin came back messed up. They are still not right today. One was an Army Ranger and one a helicopter door gunner. They are the worst.
several of my friends never came back the same. they are older, of course than I. I am mostly going on stories and them telling me about their younger days. i saw the toughest, meanest teacher we had in high school break down and cry one year on Veterans Day. seeing that, really hit home. made a huge impression on me, to see that strong of a person break, instantly. like he was hit with a horrible memory. it embarrassed him, that was the point in my life i started to understand it was not simply "going off to fight a war and coming home".
i remember the first time i read All Quite on the Western Front . the prolouge has stayed with me. becasue when i read it, i could only imagine what the author had seen.
"This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who stand face to face with it. It will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they many have escaped its shells, were destroyed by the war."
Another excerpt from the same book. my copy is from 1947, and most of its pages are loose in the binding.

But now I see that I have been crushed without knowing it. I find I do not belong here any more, it is a foreign world. Some of these people ask questions, some ask no questions, but one can see that they are quite confident they know all about it; they often say so with their air of comprehension, so there is no point in discussing it. They make up a picture of it for themselves.

I prefer to be alone, so that no one troubles me. For they all come back to the same thing, how badly it goes and how well it goes; one thinks it is this way, another that; and yet they are always absorbed in the things that go to make up their own existence. Formerly I lived in just the same way myself, but now I feel no contact here any longer.
AK -47s and Mig fighters supplied by the Russians kilt lots of our people !-- They are our enemy that will never change for me !
Hey Nick U know computers so maybe U can help me solve a riddle ?-- We got a member who hides his identity!-- Sometimes there will be like 6 member names listed and a 7 member on line!-- I don't sense a threat but I am curious !-- No body taught me how to hide my name when I'm signed in -- If I didn't want my name listed when I was on the site I would just ghost in as a guest !-- It's nothing important just my curiosity !-- Who and why is my question ?
The KIA/MIA numbers do not truly tell the tale of how many we lost. My friend who was a Ranger is the toughest, coolest guy you could ever meet.. He wont talk about his two tours. His second was voluntary. Not a word. I miss the way he was before. He drinks a lot sometimes and always seems sad. My Cousin who was in the Air Cav always had a perpetual smile on his face. Always joking and laughing. After that he never smiles or laughs. We all lost more than the numbers show for sure.
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I can't really answer your questio but I can tell you that most browsers will allow you to hide your identity. I used to be the man when it came to these things but not so much these days.
Hey keef, I have this booful plant I just took clones off of. Its labeled GDPxBPU. I know GDP is grandaddy purps but what is the BPU?
Burning 1 --I'm pretty sure that be what's happening !-- So I just thought I would point that out !-- I still got the question of why ? -- They got every right to be here and no reason to hide !-- I'm leave it alone!-- U just got to be aware of your surroundings and be alert !-- The world needs more lerts !
I got GDP-x- BPU too !-- I just combined Umbra's GDP-x- BPU with BPU -x- B.B. -- Have to start some seed soon and see if it is blueberry like it should be !-- My GDP -x- BPU is a fine blueberry and so is BPU-x-B.B.
I want to start some more seed but like " the unnamed one"-I got stuff happening that I'm not ready to talk about yet !--
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Yes it is Nick !--This the biggest one I got right now -- I got a few more rooted clones !-- Bout time to run some more !
That's nice smoke right there !
I took 9 clones off the top of her right before that picture. I'll wait a couple of days and then cage her and into the flower room she goes!
The last male I bred was BPU-X-B.B -- King Louie 13th and Cheesy Jones and maybe half dozen other girls !-- Haven't started any of those yet still trying to get these BBSL crosses sorted out !
Umbra sent me a single feminized Blueberry Gum seed that I really wish I had cloned when she was younger. As it is I will try and reveg her so I can get my clones. She didn't get as big as the others I started in that bunch so I kinda forgot about her but now she is turning into the prettiest, smelliest plant in the garden. Right up your ally 'cause she is gonna finish fast and is by far the frostiest thing I have grown to date. I'll put a pic up ater the lights come on tonight.
Sounds Good Nick !-- Take some cuts now as well as revegging her !-- Maybe one day I'll grow some sativas outside ? -- I'm just trying to figure out and get set up for a production grow of 60 day or less finishers !- There's hybrids that work for me too but I'm just not set up for sativas-- Now that 400 grams per meter goal I got I think I can get to -- Just a matter of plants size before I flip them to bloom ! -- I set up the rotation this time with just one box per cycle -- When veg can give me the right number of plants the right size regularly I got 4 more boxes I can add to the rotation later and double bloom !
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