Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Morning Ness !-- Girlfriend I feel the same way !-- We gonna have to teach U bout water pharming !-- U doing great !-- Hardest part about pot farming is just keeping at it !--
I'm in my protest state of mind this morning so I thought I would speak out against something close to my heart !
Rose I sure hope ya'll send Senator Jeff back to Brownsville with back up to stop that abomination happening there !-- They ripping kids out they mommas arms and putting them in a big empty Walmart till they can find a foster home or other place for them !-- Lots of them were following the rules and seeking legal entry !-- The boss say they the wrong color !-- Bastid !
Good morning all. The machine i use to get back my ever-clear is the Megahome water distiller. Paid for itself in two batches. The magical butter machine is for tincture. No more driving to Oregon to buy ever-clear, still using the same booze, seems like it would stop working but it hasn't.
Ness I hear you. It took me 10 years to get most of the stuff i wanted. You are doing great.
Rose if that is considered talking politics ? - Then just kick me da "F" out of here !-- I know right and wrong and to stand by and say nothing about a wrong like that is just not in me !
Well I got some little plants in bloom again !-- Purple Haze -- Black AK -- Master Kush -- CBD Crew's Indica -x- Valentine !
GT X BOC X BBSL has a kick!
Dang good work there on those genetics!
Good morning OFC. Home from work today. Got violently ill yesterday and went to the doctor. I need to have some tests done, but most likely my gallbladder.
Umbra if I was closer I'd take that gall bag out for U !-- I seen more gallbladder than ?-- Probably help take out thousands !-- Do it with a scope these days working off a TV monitor !-- All thru 3 little holes in your belly !
Go Gloman !-- I know that's right !-- The Golden Ticket - x- Box Of Chocolate Umbra bred (- the mother of that thang U got)-- She nice and polite and very refined weed !-- I put that BBSL on her and she different now !-- I guess U won't be rolling a bunch of joints -- All U need is a glass pipe with a small bowl !-- Unless U planning on getting melted !
I gotta start me some of that Rose !- Any idea about the CBD/THC ratio ?--- What does your body say ?-- A nice tasting CBD ?-- Ya'll rock it !-- I hope U people in the free states appreciate what U got !-- I live in a land with border patrol check points on the roads -- Very high law dog to civilian ratio -- and them dogs like to hunt !-They put U in jail for a empty pipe with only residue in it !- The different law enforcement get to keep a portion of any money they catch going south --- They use that money to buy the best hunting gear like helicopters--boats and all sorts of military equipment -- One thing I know for sure is that if I survive growing weed in this environment I'm be a force to be reaconed with !-- Plus U people done hooked me up with some the finest genetics available and U taught how to do just about anything can be done with this plant ! -- I just need to keep my head down awhile longer !--
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When I was checking out those Texas legalization organizations the other day I saw an add for a seed company that plans on offering 20 different varieties not for sale here yet -- Made me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside !-- I bred and kept that many and I would put good money on a quality showdown !-- My Indicas laugh at them !
Keef, the seed I popped of BBXV was pretty high in cbd and thc. It is awesome for sleep for me.
Oh no Umbra, I was afraid of you having heat exhaustion. How are you feeling today?

Did I tell you guys that the Blueberry xvalentine is amazing?
Doing better, for sure. Getting blood test and ultra sound done today. I think heat exhaustion was what my co worker was thinking. At least it wasn't exposure to the chemicals. I am very diligent about the use of PPE. Until I get the results, I'm on a fat free diet. I can not process fats of any kind.
Rose, I have 4 of your BBxVal coming up nicely right now. Haven't sexed 'em yet but they are about 2 weeks outta the dixie cups. Started 4 of the Val x NL too.
Umbra it might just be a stone blocking the duct !-- Then the whole thing gets inflamed-- If it is a stone they may be able to get rid of it with lithotripcy-- Focuses sound and turns the stone to sand and it'll pass and you'll get better !-- Better stay off some fats till it's fixed !--They just make it worse !
Cholecystectomy wouldn't take long and U would recover fast !-- Pretty straight forward procedure not much risk either !- U be fine before U know it but U gotta think about changing your diet !--
I know it don't look like much but with these 2 inch aero baskets and collars I use I can't get them much bigger or they just fall over!-- These boxes gonna be my cloners for a real grow so I don't want to change them!- I know what to do when the time comes !-- Couple PH -- Couple NL-x- BBSL-- Couple Black AK and a couple CBD -x- Val !-- 1st leg of setting the rotation back up !--In 2 weeks I bring another box to bloom and every 2 weeks after that !-- 2 months from today I harvest these then harvest a box every 2 weeks after that lo
ng as veg can keep up
Rose when the count on members on line doesn't match the user names listed what's going on ?--Like now there are 5 user names listed and 6 members signed in --I don't have a problem with it I'd just like to know !- Probably already know !
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