Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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When i started doing oil a few years ago, my blood sugar dropped to normal. May have something to do with the exercise too.

I hear that too RE, about raw cannabis. Keef is right, you need to start eating more. I can help ya with that. lol

Hi Umbra, i see you down there. How you doing?
Evening all !-- Mac and Cheese just landed on top some caps !-- Hey Rose I saw a study that said exercising 3 times a week can reduce your heart attack risk by 11 % !-- That same study also showed that in contrast --Having a couple glasses of wine a day would reduce your heart attack risk by 14 % !-- Bar's open !
that is very good to hear Umbra. Hey, i caught a whiff of the nurse larry and Valentine. woa, if it smells like that in veg, we be in trouble in flower. oh well.

Keef, 11 percent isn't enough. bummer, i don't drink.
Umbra in da house good I got a question !-- That Snowbird thing are they using it in a derogatory way the way they used to spit the word "Hippy"-- Back in the day ?-- If so put my name on the Snowbird list !
That would be the pistol packing side of the Snowbird list ! --
I gotta get back into my seed !-- When I did the oops on pest control after Harvey --I lost Rose's Nurse Larry -- Umbra's V-- BOC and the Plush Berry -x Strawberry Desiel just wouldn't reveg for me !-- D.D. has sampled the daughter of V by the BBSL -- She said start more V seed the black V is just as potent just not as tasty !-- I got V and BOC seed but PB-x- Strawberry Desiel is gone but I got her daughter and grandchild daughter so I gotta breed me a Strawberry if neither of those are acceptable to her highness !-- 1st though I got 3 Snow Desiel-x- BBSL plant and a boy gonna get bred to Rose's PH and I'm find "The High Pink " !-- Stoners work is never done !
Working on a couple of things that might fall into that category. Mango kush x blackrose. Devil's tit smells like pink lemonade. Fruity pebbles OG is showing some color.
Watching the Olympics again and I got questions !-- When they slide down them hills on them skis why they gotta carry them sticks with them ?-- Seems like U could go faster if U just tossed the sticks !-- Maybe it's one of them old traditions I don't know nothing about !--Iike did carrying the sticks start in case a wolf or something got after U ? --U got a club to fight back with ? -- Snowbird is a word we use down here for people from Snow country who winter in Texas !-- I been on the look out for a ringer vehicle for 100 yard fluffy sand races !--Think I found it in Snowbird country !-- One those things ya'll call a Snow bike !-- Looks like a motorcycle with a track instead of a back wheel !-- That should out run most in that sand ?
Working on a couple of things that might fall into that category. Mango kush x blackrose. Devil's tit smells like pink lemonade. Fruity pebbles OG is showing some color.

They sound tasty man
Ya'll got to quit letting me get so high !-- Other Keef want to go play with the storms spirits !-- Edgar Casey-- The sleeping prophet ain't the only one can work while he naps !-- Seems we missed or something ?-- I ain't riding herd on him long as I don't wake up hung over he on his own !--
Just practicing my split personality thang in case I ever have to go to court !-- Everybody know U can't direct the weather even in your dreams !-- Every body also knows a sick man belong in the hospital not in jail !-- Watch me shoot sparks out my finger tips ?-- Did U see that ?--I am sooo sick !
Hey Umbra, I don’t know if it works but it was cheap enough to whip one up and see. 3 small 3.3w far red LEDs and a tiny driver plus a pie pan and a 12 volt wall wart that I already had.

Morning O.F.C. !-- Bout 8 am at the beach with stormy weather !--- It's spring time here !-- We might have another chilly snap or 2-- but if I could-- I would risk moving plants outside !
We got a day to do Wake and Bake !-- Weed won't smoke itself ! -- Gonna be rainy so I'm stay inside and high today !-- Don't got much farming to do -- Got a small group coming down next week but until then I just watch them grow !-- I don't know if I need a bloom initiator-- Maybe on plants from seed ?--They seem to take forever to sex but clones jump right into bloom for me !-- Plus I got too many cords and hoses already !-- Each box got an aquarium stone running 24 /7 ---- I got 2 -- 4 spot aquarium air pumps with an air line ran to each box -- Then the cords for the pumps that have to all tie back to a single timer -- Then there's the light cords all going to another timer !--I call it growers spaghetti !-- D.D.ask me one time --What does this cord go ?-- I said I don't know but don't unplug it everything is working !
Old Stoner can't add anymore hoses and cords I already get confused enough !
Breakfast !-- The Blue T.E. -- The mom was a Tranquil Elephantizer out of Bohdi with a mighty B.B. King dad out the house of Umbra !-- She a Blueberry with a peppery finish !-- One of D.D.'s favorites !-- D.D. be in this weekend and she just gonna take this Blue T.E. so I just grow some more !-- Don't hurt my feelings none !

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morning ofc,,, ,,,,Monday thru Friday me and my son go to mcdonals for pancakes,,,,two days ago we wake up and get ready for school ,,,we head out for mcdonals ,,,after eating our breakfast we left for school,,,as I pull up to the school I notice its closed ,,,my son turns and says oh yea mom schools closed today ,,,,why did you not say something back at the house ,,,I wanted pancakes ,,,
Morning Zig !-- U got played !-- U need a better way to keep up with school stuff !
Caps is kicking in --Got --"Creams"--Farewell Concert at the Royal Albert Hall !-playing - Get high --Listen to music -- It's a plan !--
5 lbs of blueberries in a large stock pot simmering away !-- We starting some blueberry wine !-- I probably break the wine making rules too but D.D. likes the end product so that's how I do it !-- I'll simmer those blueberries for a hour or so after it comes to a slow boil--I'll then strain the liquid off the berries and refill the pot with water and do it again !-- I also add some sugar to the pot somewhere during the boil -- Usually boil the berries a third time to get everything out of them and fill up a 5 gallon bucket-- That has been cleaned with bleach water !-- Anything that go into the clean bucket has been boiled or cleaned with bleach water !-- Anyway --when it cools this evening I'll add my yeast culture and it's on !-- Couple hours hands on getting it started then a couple weeks waiting while the yeast works !
Good morning guys. cold here. hope you are all warm and toasted... (see what i did there?)
Hey Rose !-- 73 and sun at the beach but that changes bout hourly almost to waves of rain !-- I passed toasted at maybe 4 hours ago !-- Not sure what U call this ?-- So much space even my thoughts have echos !-- Hello ?--hello -hello !-- Maybe I need another toke ?
Wine is almost ready to be left alone !-- How did I get this high anyway ?-- Nevermind !--Dam caps !
Gotta love'm !
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