Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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News say California grow 800 times more weed than it use and it only gonna get worse because them heathens done legalized recreational weed !-- What ya'll doing with all that extra weed ?
Is UPS hauling it all somewhere else for ya'll ? -UPS done drove many a good smuggler outta work !--I think it is the work of the deep state ?-- - Dam Outlaw growers !--
Wait !--
I resemble that remark !--
Good evening potheads, well I don’t envy those who live up-east... We got 50 degrees currently and calm winds. Actually a nice evening. Enjoy your snow if ya got it but be safe.
Keef, there are gonna be a lotta farmers that went all in and ain’t gonna have nuthin left.
RE --I'm sure there will be many like that !-- That's one reason I never considered moving to a legal state to grow !-- Trying to break into an established market ain't my game ! -- I'd just grow for us but D.D. need to get away from the hospital before it start affecting her health !-- Ain't no other way this old cripple can replace a high dollar nursing salary -- They give me a little wiggle room I see if I can ? -- I'm just looking for a few trick ponies to grow --I know them when I smoke them and I already got some !-- Got no interest in chasing the flavor of the week !-- I wanna grow stuff U can't get anywhere but from me ! --I had to take some time to get a weed education -- I'm ready anytime they want now !-- I kinda like my chances !
The plan was to feminize a coffee can or so of seed and set the pickle jar lab back up and get back to my genetic doubling ! -- I got the 2 males I wanted and a fine selection of top notch ladies !-- I haven't been in much of a hurry because my regular (2n )weed is getting pretty good ! -- I spent a year treating a batch of sprouts every couple weeks !-- Kilt a lot of sprouts treating them with a dilute weed killer working out the formula they filled with lies !-- I'm close enough I just need the seed supply and I got my team ready to give them to me but I still have to learn to produce feminized see comfortably !-- They not gonna give me a fair and even playing field some I bring me some ringers !-- Make them try to compete with me ?-- I ain't said nothing about being a legal grower ?
I focused on the origins of the most widely known genetically doubled variety -- U.B.C. Chemo -- and the story of how Dr. David Suzuki made it with the focus only the brain damaged got !-- I don't believe he made it !-- That thing got the finger prints of someone with a similar skill set as mine all over it !
U got to have a peculiar skill set to even attempt this !-- U got to have some hands on lab experience --U got to understand the chemistry and biology of the thing --U better be a grow master capable of pulling a plant back from deaths door because it is a requirement !-- Then if U do succeed ? -- How can U verify that the thing happened ? - back to the lab ! -- In the end though the pipe be the only thing that mean anything !
Don't matter what it is !-- If it ain't highly desirable it doesn't matter what U did ! --
Gonna be a happening year coming up ya'll !-- Like they used to say -- "Pray for peace -- but keep your (gun) powder dry !-- Go to the gun show this weekend get me a mess of 12 gauge flare shells !-- They work pretty good in a pump gun and U can aim them better !-- load buck shot then flare --then buck shot then flare !-- tear it up then light it up !-- Works for me ! --
U hear that ? -- I know that voice !-- It's the Definitive Domina !-- She wanna come to Texas !
I'm see if I can make it to bed !-- Keef out !
Buenos Dias O.F.C. !--
Wake and Bake !--
Ya'll gonna make me entertain myself again today ? --
morning ofc,,,2 showers later and I still smell trash,,,
Morning OFC cloudy with a chance of a good rain...
Better than Snow.
Keef love the early morning bud porn.
Time to get right.......:48:...
What up Cane ? --Umbra ? -- 48 with drizzle here and that's the high today -- Gonna get close to freezing for New Years Eve !-- Maybe it'll keep them from shooting bottle rockets at the beach! -- It stay wet they won't burn me out !-- I swear one day I'm shooting back !--

The 1st 4 girls of Waldo's Wild Bunch !--

AK48 -x-BBSL and Umbra's White Indica -x-- BBSL

Then Panama Powerhouse --x-BBSL and Umbra's "V" -x- BBSL

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Don't be counting at me !-- Let's just agree I got more than 2 varieties and leave it at that !-- I also got one Waldo's bunch in Nurse Larry -x-- BBSL !-- The 5 step sisters !
When I finish processing that 5 gallon bucket on the right I'll have 5 gallons of Apple Jack ready to age !-- Sound like a lot ? -- Smallest white oak kegs for aging I can find are 8 gallons !-- Take me 40 gallons of wine to fill one up -- I'm at 25 !-- It would just be wrong to age a partial keg !

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