Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Umbra U know I got a plan bout that dying stuff ? -- I'm keep my old as* alive until they find the cure to aging !--I figure I might have another couple hundred years !-- I want to sit around with my body back the way it was and tell people what it was like to grow old !
Nick, I was looking at your BOTM entry and did I see a drop of THC on 1 of the leaves? Looks dank my friend.
There may have been just a bit of that nasty ole stuff Umbra. Musta had something to do with the genetics, ya think? Got a couple more days to dry but its looking like a winner.:vap-Bong_smoker:
Sticky-icky -- That's what I call it !-- That's gonna be dankity-dank-dank !-- I know how Umbra's stuff do !
Looks like U doing it justice too !-- I do like some fine weed !
I be glad when Mueller cleans up this mess the electoral college puked up in oval office and get back to ending national prohibition !-- This thug and his peeps are finished !
morning guys,,wow death and politics,,,,glad I took yesterday off,,,i wish we would not talk politics I would hate to loss another member to **,,,ill let you in on a little secret .Donald trump nor Hillary Clinton give a rats azz about you of me,,,,only themselves,,anyway I took my son to teco's big bend electrical plant to see manatee's,,, the plant discharges warm water into tampa bay ,,when the weather gets cold the manatee's and other animals come into the area to keep warm,,, must have seen 100 manatee's kid had a great time ,,,peace and love,,,ziggg
Good morning OFC, Been out of the loop for awhile but I am returning to seek a favor. Had a bad fire at the house a couple weeks ago, no injuries butttttt lost just about everything in my basement which was workshop, hangout den, grow room.
Totally bummed out but whatch ya gonna do but pick up the pieces and start again.
Soooooo, living in a trailer for a few months till the house is redone so no growing till spring. But I did manage to save almost 5 oz from previous grows that was in mason jars in the back of a cabinet. The jars were a little smoke covered but didn’t seem to damage them, smoked fine. But I need to use some to make some tinc and oil and I’m a Magic butter machine junkie. And my MBM is kinda not working anymore (see pics,). I wrote to MBM to see if I could get a discount ( no reply.) So I know some of you have discount codes I could use to buy another. And I wouldn’t mind asking in the spring for any extra seeds floating around.
So living in a state where growing is legal means the ins co will cover costs including grow room supplies and even plants???? I had 2 beautiful ladies growing, a green crack and a blueberry. They were due for harvesting this week……….:vap-leafy_wave:
By the way fire started from a computer battery that shorted out, computer was on my workbench turned off, and fire started about 6am, thank you fire alarms……:vap_smiley:
The pics are a little shaky,that's me.....:vap_bong__emoticon:

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Wow, Jorge's site is all but dead. More than half of the posts are spam. You gotta wonder where Jorge is. And, why he doesn't care about his web site.

The hacker contacted me via PM and I convinced him to restore all the accounts he hijacked. He's just a script kiddie searching for weak sheep. He's not responsible for the spam. I suggested he contact the site owner and offer to update it for $500. That's what I used to do when I was hacking. It's a cross between blackhat and whitehat. This kid is a punk and just wants to hijack sites and annoy the people. LOL

It's a shame, though. Jorge's site used to be a pretty good site.

I wonder where he is.
Wow SMOKINGRANPA, I am so sorry about your fire. Of course we will send you seeds to get you back on track and I am not using my MMB machine and you can have it. I don't know how much shipping is, but let me check it out. PM me your address and I will see.

Hackerman, that is weird about Jorge's site. I am sorry it got hacked. I appreciate you keeping us up on this stuff.
SMOKINGRANPA, so sorry to hear about your fire damage. Seems like a lotta that going around here in Cali too. I don’t have an mbm, or code but like Rose says, there will be seeds a plenty come spring I’m sure. Glad you have coverage to rebuild. I wish you all th best!
Good morning everyone. Looks kinda dreary outside this morning, think I'll stay inside until the sun coes out. I may break out the blue-ray. I can do me some Deadpool! Hackerman, I'm really sorry for your loss. Let me know when you get your grow going and I'll send you some seeds. Probably around spring I'll have a bunch. When I got robbed I had no shortage of offers from others.:vap-Bong_smoker:
Good morning OFC snowing out there burrr.
SMOKINGGRANPA all our thoughts are with you..you have quite the mess. Sorry..
Been up since 4 still baking.....:48:....
good morning Cane, we have snow this morning..... noooooooooooooooooo... it is ok, it won't stick.

St Nick, it is smokinggrandpa that had the fire, not hackerman. Easy to get all our names confused, i do it a lot.
Just flipped my little ones to 12 & 12 to sex them...
How long you think before they start showing ?
I'm thinking about two weeks?.....:confused2:.....
good morning Cane, we have snow this morning..... noooooooooooooooooo... it is ok, it won't stick.

St Nick, it is smokinggrandpa that had the fire, not hackerman. Easy to get all our names confused, i do it a lot.

Yeah, sorry ! I'm an Idjit!:confused2::hairpull:
Morning O.F.C. !
Grandpa -- Dam Cuz !-- Sorry I been there !-- Place burnt to the ground so we moved to Louisiana !-- I hope U had some insurance -- What was is gone but U can build back better than before !-- Ain't easy but it does help to keep your mind off what was lost and focus it on what can be !-- Wish there was something I could do to help but I got plenty seed too so somebody can hook U up with seed at least !
It ain't Nick's fault he thought Hack had the fire -- Sticky-icky !-- It'll do that to U !
Hey Hack I wish U would hack my phone and make it Google again !-- I still think it is possessed by a demon needs killing but I ain't allowed !--
Hey Rose !-- Gonna hit 90 at the beach today ! -- We waiting on the Snowbirds or Winter Texans-- population goes up noticeable in winter -- I'm wonder if they come back this year cause Harvey kinda cramped our style !-- People finding out like I did after Katrina -- FEMA stands for -- Fix Everything My As* !
Lot of peeps still waiting on money to rebuild !

Kinda dragging today hope all have a good day !
Just flipped my little ones to 12 & 12 to sex them...
How long you think before they start showing ?
I'm thinking about two weeks?.....:confused2:.....

How old are they? when I force flower I see sex in a week

and I never force before 5weeks
Nick decarb some that trim and pack U some caps !--- You'll like it !-- - I double coon dog dare U to decarb one them Sticky buds and put it in some caps !-- Make U find Jesus then forget what U were doing in the first place !-- It'll make U do the crab walk !
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