Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Re, your adorable. you wear it well. I have a poodle one that a friend made me, i put my glasses on and can't walk... messes with my bifocals I tell ya. LOLol.. I can't believe i just wrote that. I have some coming masks i mean. Keef, nobody startin nothin. They better not.
Some the nurses used to make us surgical hats - We never had to rely on dew rags over our faces for masks !- They made me a surgical cap but I couldn't wear it in public cause they put bad words on the forehead !- They pinched me on the butt too !- I woulda reported them for sexual harassment but I figured if I did they might stop !
Afternoon Farmers....Got thunder rumbling in the area today...on and off sprinkles...every thing is looking good in the veggie garden...cold temps kind of slowed the squash a bit...but may have a first picking by the weekend. Busy here today...folks are spending the money quick like...had to go 60 miles into the Police state and there was a radar unit behind every bush...they are preying on the money as well. Noticed a brand new trooper vehicle today with radar in the 37.4 MHz range...used to be 34.6 MHz mostly...FCC has allotted them more band width maybe. Personally I operate best in the 4:20 MHz range...fire it up pop tart!
Stay at home order ?-- In Texas they see it more as a suggestion -and they didn't say who's home !-- - Had a yard full of young'ns having a crawfish boil couple days ago !-- My goose is so cooked !-- Bat Cave be a long ways off !-- Not sure I'm see it anymore !-- They gonna get me with this virus yet !- --Just a matter of time ?
Hey toots wow y'all are getting into some deep mysteries in the last 24 hours and talking some truth on the boards and just being generally awesome peeps and I'm so grateful for your company in times like these.
I told work they could deal with my lack of bandit bandana today since I was in head to toe hazmat gear for 7 sweaty hours and needed to fecking breathe. Jokes on me, I am now sporting an acid burn on my lip. Grrr. Long story short, some a55hat removed the overtemp fuse from a tank heat controller and caused a) an evacuation b) a chemical tank boil over and c) upwards of $15k worth of damage. So I've been happily mucking about in a mix of 3 different acids all day, none of them the good kind though if I didn't have to go in tomorrow I'd make it 4, and it's all just delightful and I was hungry and lazy so I made the new England lazy persons version of a Full English for dinner (all cooked in bacon fat, natch). I have no idea what you brits and aussies are on about baked beans for, and couldn't figure out what they add to the meal, so I made them into a centrepiece.
So gor-may.
Bone apple t*ts!
I like cooking in some bacon fat !-- Beans - In the south Stinky we do what we call baked beans -- Similar to your Boston baked beans but we put plenty bacon in it some honey amd /or some BBQ sauce - Some will cook them on a pit or in a smoker - HP knows !-- I also like my refried beans !--
A smear of refried beans with a tortilla is pretty much law !- don't matter what else U put on it !-- partial to mashed avocado on mine too !--
Yo Stinky -- Our day ? -- Thier night !-
sunny side up even. I love your food. I fried chicken tenders for lunch and finished with 100 miniature reese's cups. It rained, i didn't garden, the groceries didn't include chocolate pudding. I really needed that. Haven't had it in a few years, but i know it would help these trying time.
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