Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Afternoon All...My friends needed masks yesterday and came over for a few...this is my grow buddy...I rolled 2 joints with gloves on and moistened the glue strip with a damp paper towel...gave them the 2 J and they asked why 2?...Never crossed their mind they should social distance form each other when possible...she is high risk and he is still working around a lot of people. My adventures today were off to the farming community's across the River...they are busy as bee's...soybeans and rice going in fast like. Welcome aboard cannagrammy...jimmynugs...Nov the tinfoil hat stories are running deep right now...cheap entertainment!
Familiar names abound.
Passed by previously but life takes over and before we know it 6 months have passed. Much more settled now, despite the obvious lockdown situation. And my grow has evolved somewhat.
Keef, Novitius, Hollowpoint, hello again, pleasure is all mine.
I trust life's sense of humour hasnt got you down?!
One thing i've noticed is it seems us herbalists are made from more resilliant stuff whatever country you happen to be from.
Brief as my initial stay was, am glad to be back folks.
HP roll a joint with gloves on ?- U hard core Cuz !- I could teach U to scrub for surgery ! - That's something I never tried !-- I roll with a dollar bill - I think I could twist one with gloves on ?
Thought I remembered Jimmy -- Hope life settled down for U soon !-- Sorry to hear about Boris - We should be so lucky in the states ?-- US #1 -- Dam !
I dunno,
I been in lock down lots of times and This just don't seem like lock down to me. As long as I can go out and come in without chains and mini 14s pointed at me I feel free. They Never let me grow weed in lock down before either! :)
That kind of lock down would be different !-- This simply a case of keep yoass away from other people so U don't get or pass the virus to others ! Especially until the case number go down -- I don't want to die parked on a stretcher in a hospital hall because there aren't enough ventilators !
I've seen the reports from the big house !- Gonna be a lot of dying in that kind of lock down !

Spring means asparagus.
Asparagus is a finger food.
Fight me.

Not to wish ill on anyone but frankly seeing political name-With-A-Funny-Accent laid up in the ICU might finally be eye opening enough to get the stubborn folk to take this more seriously.
Purple Haze times Black Berry Snow Lotus bred to a Purple Haze boy ?-
The Pink might need some company ?
Rose's Purple Haze is a rich deep purple -- BBSL carry the Pink trait - PH-X-BBSL is a soft lavender purple mind mower -- Gonna be pretty weed ! -- Might be purple ?- Might also kick your a*s ?
Still raining in the mudhole !-- U know those cannacaps I made ?-- Yeah Buddy !-- I am not bullet proof but I am sure I could slow a few down !-- Don't shoot he just playing !
No Other Keef U don't need any more caps !-- Look at your stonedass ?- U got a problem Cuz !-- Give me that pipe !- I don't know bout U sometimes ?- dam !-- U worry me !
I think it was the oreos that what got me !-- U take those caps without some oil and U don't get that high then U drop some fat into your belly and BANG !-Right up side da head !- - Hello stupid high !-- U shouldn't take some caps and after an hour or so of building a most magnificent Smoking buzz drop a peanut butter sandwich or other fat into your belly with them caps !-- Rocketman !-- U wanna see me do a loop ?
Other Keef think we need an Avitar !-- I like Yosemite Sam with his pistol blazing -- Other Keef think more like Foghorn Leghorn ? - Slow Poke Rodriguez might be more fitting ? -- Wiley Coyote might give the wrong impression -- I don't smuggle people -- but I'm definitely a cartoon character !-

Wilma !!----- Just trying it on !-

Scooby - Doobie - Do ?
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