Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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When I was growing up DWC I had excellent results with General hydroponics three stage

Thanks Bud,that’s very timely, I have just been contemplating such as nutes! Got a couple weeks till I open up some space but I’ll be doin it. I figure I’ll water garden in winter and move outside in the spring.
Keef it's good to see you buddy just finished doing the move out to BC now trying like hell to get into a house you think with 40 grand you wouldn't have a hard time buying a $230,000 house but nope it's damn near impossible other than that I'm really good man just trying to read some of the last posts and catch up with what all I've been missing basically the system I was running was one spaghetti line to each 3 inch netpot with the 5 netpots per box then I kept each box half full with a 12 inch air stone in the bottom and had it hooked to a 5 gallon Reservoir which had the pump in it that continuously fed the spaghetti lines
Bud we had babies while U was out !-- That Bud be the one I just call Strawberry ( Your Strawberry Rhino male on Umbra's Plush Berry -x-Strawberry Desiel )-- Then when I was sexing her my boy Waldo got next to her and so we got a BBSL -x- Strawberry -- Black Strawberry ?

That looks really awesome man :48:
RE it is so much less confusing if U get someone like Bud that is doing what U plan to do to walk U thru it !-- If U try to take advice from all of us it would give U a headache !-- There's many paths to the Dank but U gotta pick one and stay on it until U feel confident then U can check out other ways !-- I'm still learning how I want to do a small commercial grow and what I want to grow -- If not variety then at least recognize the plant structure that works for me !-- I'm zeroing in on fast finishing potent indica heavy hybrids and straight up Indicas -- Then like I think anyone would do I gotta mess with them to make them my own !-- I gots myself a plan !-- I take the best sheet I can lay hands on and breed it to something just as dank !-- Best I can figure ain't no telling what the terepene profile gonna be but U can take dank to the bank !-- It gonna be good !
Before I go to bed !-- D.D. didn't tell U guys her sister whose mobile home went underwater for Hurricane Harvey had the winning bid on an older 3 bedroom frame home on an acre and a half !-- For ? --Don't look Bud !-- Less than $30,000 US !--Big relief to D.D. and me too cause she won't be back digging in toxic stuff !

I been watching the news and I could go on a political rant but I'm tired !-- My heart wouldn't be in it !--
I’m listening Keef, my goal is simply to grow some appropriate meds for me and the little lady. Well mostly I like to just get a little high and feel better. For the lady, she got pains and sleepless nights and I’d like to help her feel better too. I tried growing in soil and I did ok some times and sometimes not so ok. So now I’m gonna try something else. We like to get away for a week or several days and I’d like a system that will not crash while we gone. That has been part of the problem with my current grow. It’s struggling and trying to finish up and probably not going to give us much. We will start fresh and try some hydro. I think what I got set up should do good. I’m keeping it pretty small because I don’t have much room so I got a 2 hole box that have air and a little stream in the net pot to drizzle down the roots. I think that is pretty much what bud is doing too. I’m sure mine is smaller being a 2 holer. I’ve been looking at the Botanicare Kind nute trio but I’m open to the advice from the pros as well.
I’ll grow in the dirt come spring when I can move it outside.
Here’s what my current grow is like. They are struggleing to finish up and I’m not sure what to do for them. I’ve been using the earth juice grow, bloom, and catylist as well as cal/mag. She’s pretty sparse.
Sorry bout my messy workbench, that’s what I get for trying to do hardware and software at the same time.

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Before I go to bed !-- D.D. didn't tell U guys her sister whose mobile home went underwater for Hurricane Harvey had the winning bid on an older 3 bedroom frame home on an acre and a half !-- For ? --Don't look Bud !-- Less than $30,000 US !--Big relief to D.D. and me too cause she won't be back digging in toxic stuff !

I been watching the news and I could go on a political rant but I'm tired !-- My heart wouldn't be in it !--

Good for D.D. Sis!
Trump gonna fix the opioid trouble. I say make pot legal and people will do that instead. What do I know, I never used opioids.
I have kinda been looking at Remo's nutrient line. Dunno why, I just like the guy. He rolls doobs like I do.
I rode the opiate line, right into poverty. Rode the synthetics rodeo too. I'll never mess with that crapola agin. I can and am smokin some serious sheeet tonite!
Morning O.F.C. !-- Opiates ? -- I knows a thing or 2 about them !-- I had always enjoys some on occasion then I shattered my face -- I started on Norco and moved right on up to those time released morphine --
Those Opana they just took off the market worked for me !-- At least I thought so at the time !-- I was a legal junkie most of a decade !-- Never even considered street drugs --I knew all the legal stuff by the book !
Went thru lots of muscle relaxers too !-- What's the anti-anxiety "Bars" they used to give me ? -- One my all time favorite muscle relaxers was those 20mg time released Valium --Valrelease ? -- 2 of them and U be chilled for the whole day !-- Doo-da - Doo-da !-- At the end of my decade long run I was down to about 100 lbs soaking wet !-- I was dying slowly !-- I had never quit smoking weed and was cheating on the twice a years surprise drug screens until I got the clean urine ( we used the freeze dried ) -- For 7 years I had been able to beat the drug screen and mine was supposed to have morphine and nothing else !-- Worked me figuring out how to pull that off !-- I had went off weed for 2 weeks and tested self and was clean then I collected all my pee for about 2 days !-- Then fired one up !-- I smoke a joint on the way to a drug screen !
In the end I took in clean pee accidentally !-- I guess doc thought I was sell the morphine or something !-- Cut me off then and there and here come cold turkey !-- Almost killed ole Keef !-- I ain't going there anymore !
I have kinda been looking at Remo's nutrient line. Dunno why, I just like the guy. He rolls doobs like I do.
I smoked a bunch of weed with Remo at Spannabis. He was still promoting the Advanced nutrients products. When I got home from Spain, Remo had sent me all their organic line. Dude can smoke some pot.
I smoked a bunch of weed one time too !-- Working on a fabulous buzz this morning !-- I don't know about lots of stuff but this sheet I scrape off my trim scissors get U high -high !-- Scissor hash and caps for breakfast !-- I need to check my Blueberry wine should he getting close !-- I needs to go get me something else to ferment too !-- A $15 bag of frozen blueberries ? -- D.D. like that blueberry brandy !-- I only got half gallon left -- She might run out before I get this batch finished !- She approved the Coconut brandy !-- I got it and Blueberry locked in and pear too I think !-- Who said Copperhead Road wasn't at the beach ? --
About nutes ? -- U need the right amount of 3 things --4 if U will consider trace elements !--Nitrogen (N)--Phosphates (P) - Potassium (K) -and 4th the trace elements like calcium and magnesium !

Plants don't care what brand they come from -- My grow nute concentrate is 3/2/4 of NPK --Another brand may have the same concentration but slightly different trace elements -- I only use 3 mils of that per gallon -- What I'm saying is the plant don't need much !-- I been thinking about trying DWC running only a compost tea and see how it works ?- I find the right strength I can do it ! -- In a live res there ain't no real numbers them bacteria and stuff make waste products that happen to be the stuff the plant needs !-- U got a healthy microbe family they will help fight off bad bacteria and bugs most of the time !-- Bugs like to attack unhealthy stressed plants !-- That EM1 makes no sense to me it is an anaerobic ( in the absence of O2) --compost concentrate --and I put it in an aerobic (in the presence of O2) environment ! -- Don't know how it works but I quit worrying about it !-- I can't grow without it !

Can I ramble or can I ramble ?-- Dam weed !
I'm on a roll why stop now ? -- Compost tea ? -- Fox Farm Ocean Forest -- Fill up a ladies stocking or even a sock or 2 -- stir a spoon full of molasses into a bucket of water -- Drop the hose with the FFOF into the water add a bubbler like we use - Leave the hose in there a couple hours to overnight !-- U gonna have about 35,000 different types of good microbes in that bucket !-- U can use that to inoculate your res.!- add a spoon of molasses once a week and refill the bucket and U got live sheet ready to go !
I smoked a bunch of weed with Remo at Spannabis. He was still promoting the Advanced nutrients products. When I got home from Spain, Remo had sent me all their organic line. Dude can smoke some pot.

He really promotes his kelp additive. "Course its the most expensive thing in the line-up. I like the idea of a real simple and reliable feeding regimine. Don't have to be the best but I doon't want to be guessing and chasing deficiencies of some micro-nutrient or another. Like keef says pour it in and top it off. Thats my theory anyway.:vap-Bong_smoker:
Ya'll got lucky !-- I just lost a long post about light !
Nick when U gonna bring a pool ball off the rail and back across into the other middle pocket do U have to do any math ? -- Me neither !-- Something go wrong and the plants in one my boxes start looking bad I don't need to know why !- Throw out the nute water and replace or refill a box been cleaned with a 10% bleach solution and see if that don't fix it !-- Usually though something don't look right it is a pH problem !
U got to let the pH wonder some !-- The plant takes up different nutes better at different pH !-- Long as mine is between 5.6 ish and 6.4 I don't adjust it with pH up or down -- It gets outta those bounds I fix it !
Hey Nick when I first started water farming they told me I needed to change my res every 2 weeks !-- My thought ? --That's too much work !-- I ain't doing it !-- With D.D.'s help I kinda fell into working a live res !--
In the ground all the good microbes eat decaying matter and dead roots and turn it into plant food !
So I put them little buggers in my res to eat the waste !- A plant takes stuff in but it also puts stuff out and like anything else it can be poisoned by a concentration of its waste !-- It can kill a plant !-- With a live res I now run a whole 2 month bloom cycle without changing my nute water just topping off !-- Saved me a bunch of work !-- Empty and refill 11 boxes every 2 weeks ? -- I don't think so !-- If I wanted to work I'd get a job !
Nick the only thing missing on making my system automated is an automatic box refill system -- Like say what is in a comode tank ? -- Big as* tank of nute solution that refills my boxes automatically and done !-- I might be able to set up bloom - leave and come back to harvest -- That is a real possibility !- Just timers and valves ! -- I be dangerous if I knew something about computers ! - Everything else runs on $10 timers !
I don't think they designed to run 8 lights off of but they'll do it !
That's a lie other Keef !-- U know U gotta change them filters every couple weeks !-- True enough !

Hey is my highness showing cause I am lit up like a Christmas tree!
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