Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Gonna stock up on some “meals ready to eat” there keef...I do recall they ain’t that good but they will do...might be able to put something like that together yourself that will taste better....
Back in my day RE they called them "C" rations - Everything was in cans !-- I used to keep a can of spaghetti or such up in the engine compartment of my jeep !- They came with some chocolate and a 4 pack of cigs and a book of matches !- I still hate camels and lucky strikes !- There was some toilet paper - This can be important - They brought in PBR or Olympia beer!- In Big green 4'-x-4'-x-4' -ice chest --slung under helicopters !- Everyone packed a can opener ! - wasn't no flip tops ! -- I still got my P-38 can opener !- We be up on some mountian looking down on North Korea feasting on rehydrated hamburgers and hotdogs !- -Doing the La-vida-loca !-- Korea the only place I ever seen Louisaiana hot sauce used as salad dressing !--
Most would he holding when we went to the field !- I go into a villiage where not nary a person spoke English and come out with a bag of weed !- Usually all sorts of goodies !- They had them OJ things !- A joint rolled in opium then rolled in keif !- Even had a filter on it ! --
Yes they were !-
Green Eggs and Ham !- yummy!- yummy !-- It'll keep U alive ! - MREs- even got a heater for the food !- but no cigs !- It's disaster food !-- They quarantine areas they'll have to bring in food and that will be MREs !- I need to put in an order for some TP !- Toilet paper is important !-- I shoulda put that on my list of 25s !- Shoulda been 25 lbs of masa on that list too !- gotta have tortillas tomales and stuff !-
and some pepsi !
Glad I'm just a normal level food hoarder lol I'll be fine with my chest freezer full of everything from cabbage to cannabutter , and the probably 30 pounds each of rice and canned tomato products in the pantry... don't need no doomy outlook or threat of viral Armageddon to stock up on dry goods, food insecurity during lean times in my life is enough motivation for me! Just being able to cook whatever, whenever is a greater luxury than any yacht club ferrari bora bora pipe dream :) pandemic may rage outdoors but at least the kitchen will smell good.
the most important thing is spices so all that boring shelf stable stuff tastes like real food !
Good Morning OFC...Got a touch of rain this morning...lite so far but talk of more with storms...good thing those trees are down! If your prepping for hard times...do not forget water filtration...sure you can boil it or bleach it...but no replacement for clean water... .002 microns is preferable.. I have redundancy on filters...mobile ones...base camp type gravity flow.... lots of soap...a 100 rolls or so of TP....and fire making tools.. solar oven..soap is more medicinal than cosmetic. I all so keep about 30 pails of dehydrated food...electricity is one of the first thing to go...it has a fragile infrastructure with it...heck...a well planned cyber attack could do lots of damage I suspect....If SHTF the caches would be dispersed to hidden locations...I would never fight from a static position...you will find my house deserted and ransacked...possible "bait stash"on location...that cool chill you just felt on your spine when your reaching for the bait...is a weapon sight on your center mass. Feeling hungry and want to track me to my stashes...fine...I love "The Most Dangerous Game"...come play along. Hopefully ...these realist skills will not be needed...but to ignore our fragile society is not an option here. Off for a walk...Peace ya'll

Good morning yall!
Looks like its gonna be a nice day!

Lean times of days past was enuff for Me to keep Lots of dry goods. My meat is on the hoof outside my front door. Turkey, deer, and the assortment of tastey rodents! :)
All electric house with whole house genny and 500gal fuel tank. Flat top wood stove and 4-60' deep wells. 2 electric 1 hand. pump.

I agree with you HP on the not being static. Unfortunately my circumstances with my aunt dictates I make a stand best I can. She isn't able to get around much. However.......I Do have the tools needed to defend a perimeter for a while and if it Has to be.........I can do what's needed.
Morning OFC !- The worse U gonna face is a small group wanting to take anything they can use !-U shouldn't have to face organized groups !- People congregate they spread the disease !-- Defensive posture and hold your ground in this situation !- People would perfer to take **** they don't have to fight for !-Don't be easy !-- Chances are we face a few months of hardship then things begin to improve !- It's not the end of the world !
Raining in the mudhole !- I don't like it !
Wake and Bake !- Let's do this day !
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Poor ole Uncle Keef stuck in the mudhole with nothing ?- Y'all better worry bout taking care of yourself !-- I did the aftermath of Katrina with one arm tied behind my back !- It was useless so it might have well heen tied behind my back !- Come up out the swamp after that disaster with a sack of money and bought me a place at the beach !- I'll come out this disaster in better shape than I am going into it !-- It wouldn't be fair to them for me to start even with the pack !-

Edit :-- I met a gin soaked bar room queen in Memphis ..
It's another great morning, I'm upright and everything is working. I checked the WW and it's cracked open in less than 24 hours. I still am overloaded on grows in progress so this seedling is destined to grow up to be a queen clone maker. Hope springs and spring hopes.
I think there is a decent chance I'll end up at that river place before things get too bad !- Me on the river with seed to the dankist dank and if I can grow da dank then I can grow bout anything ?--That ain't fair !-- Plenty protien on the river too ! -- The internet go down I carry a respectable amount of experience and know how tween my ears !
Just start with the part about growing weed and making liqour / fuel ?-- That's a huge advantage ! -
Morning toots! Started off the day pumping chemical process tanks and remaking them. I managed to drip glacial acetic acid off my gloves and up my sleeve. I now have a nice burn on my wrist and as a bonus, I stink like a pickle factory. Eyes are watering just hanging around with myself. Gonna go see if I can find an uncontaminated shirt. At least it wasn't the chromic acid tank, that's a whole 'nother level of yikes.
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