Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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RE--Some of us learned and some voted to return to that it 2016 !- Jim Crow be alive and well in the minds of the GOP !-- They warned that the south was gonna do it again !- I'm not part of that **** U know ?-- I don't even have a confederate battle flag !- Only place that flag should fly is in a museum !--Flying the symbol of an attempt to divide the nation is not a proud American thing to do !--Yes it is part of southern heritage but not a part that should make U proud !- That time we tried to destroy America ?
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Never met Kraven...maybe sometimes in the future....You know what I see that is so alarming...is the young people do not vote...so many made sacrifices to get Women and Minorities voters rights....here we can have a hotly contested election and only get 45% to 50 % turn out. Let it be something mundane like amending State Laws or bad weather election day and it can be as low as 20%... pathetic.
Don’t know much about voting elsewhere but I sure like the way we do it here in California...I got a ballot in the mail a couple weeks ago, filled it out and put it back in the box last week...today I went on line and confirmed that it was received and accepted...Election Day next Tuesday and I won’t even have to get outa bed...
Hey ofc! I been in the tent today. I hope everyone is doing well! I have some sprouts coming up. Umbra, your BoC is a hit with my friends. They all love it. I told em it came from the dispo.
I'm trying to save your SSDD f2s i popped. I might pop one more. I'm @ 9 strains... I think i need to stop now. I picked up a big storage bin. Going to start recycling my soil. Should i drill some holes in the lid for air and gas to move around? It's going in flower. It will make a great table for short girls as long as i manage runoff well. I'd need to add another tub in a month or so after it's cooked a bit? I got most of the big roots out. Just thin hairy ones left in there. I just turn it once a week or so?
RE--We have early voting !- U can go to the proper location at the proper times !- They check your picture ID against the bigass paper list they got - Then 2 of them check off that it's U !- Then they take U back to some voting machines from the 50s !-- and U can vote !- If U can figure out how to work the machines ?-- Election day that process turns into a madhouse !- Make people not want to go thru the torture of long lines and confusion again and the GOP wins again !- They all voted early !-- They do like to try to squeeze inportant issues onto the off season elections when most won't even know about it !- The majority of maybe 6 % who knew about it and voted is not that hard to do ?- That's just the way the GOP operates in Texas !-- Encourage the white people to vote- discourage everyone else from voting! -- That's just how Texas rolls !
Texas GOP blocked a vote on ending prohibition from coming up for a vote that would pass going on 12 years now !-
Forgive me if it shows that it pisses me off !-
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Since the Carona be loose ?- No more shake the hands !-- Keep some hand sanitizer near the front door !- Everytime U come in-- use it ! -- Don't touch handrails !- sanitize your hands after touching door knobs !- Don't be in crowds !- 6 feet should be a safe distance !- Closer than that ?- Roll da bones !- No hugging !- Keep your hands out of and away from your mouth -nose and eyes !- Stay high !
That is some serious bull manure, pure and simple. I'm not some newbie grower or breeder. I breed some dank weed and never make false claims like that. Good luck, lololololololololol. ( rabbit hole of no return)

It does ring of too good to be true doesn't it. But it really is! I know cause it's on the internet...

I guess my caveat emptor filter quit working. Thanks.
[QUOTE="novitius, post: 1078198, member: 57674
I picked up a big storage bin. Going to start recycling my soil. Should i drill some holes in the lid for air and gas to move around? It's going in flower. It will make a great table for short girls as long as i manage runoff well. I'd need to add another tub in a month or so after it's cooked a bit? I got most of the big roots out. Just thin hairy ones left in there. I just turn it once a week or so?[/QUOTE]
Stir in your amendments, bloodmeal, bone meal kelp and whatever, water in lightly with some em1 and put the lid on . Turn it every 3 or 4 days and you will be good in 4 to 6 weeks. I do it all the time. just supplement it with regula soils 'cause you will lose about 20%.
Duck ?-- mmm !- I smoke a duck right now !- Well I could brine one right now !- Duck no in a FOWL pen are da devil !- NEVER go barefoot in such a situation !- It squish up tween your toes !- U won't like it !- Make U say bad words and try to kill duck !- U fall down !--U know what get all over U !-- U not happy !- Smoked duck is good !
High Life lesson !
One those moral questions they make up to test your mind in psychology class !-
If U knew for sure that there was a terrorist among a bus load of people but U didn't know who the terrorist was but if he made it to his destination millions would die !- Would blowing that bus up and killing everyone on that bus to make sure U saved millions more be morally acceptable to U ?-- Some people get all snooty and stuff when U give an honest answer !-
Let me blow up the bus in front and the one behind it too !-He mighta got on the wrong bus ?--U can't be too careful bout these things !-
Then they make U see a counselor !
Tur-duc-hen !- boneless stuffed CKN stuffed inside a boneless stuffed Duck stuffed inside a boneless stuffed turkey !- How would U cook such thing Stinky ?-

They was always making me go to counselors and stuff !- Then I ask the counselor how long he had this God complex ?--Deciding This one's crazy !--That one's not !-
U should really see someone about that !-

That don't work out well don't do it !
Lot of stuff get twisted up in my mind and I don't understand ?- If U wake up in a nation of 300 million and think U know better and are the best qualified to be in charge ?- They used to have a word for people like that ?- Even before political name !
Tur-duc-hen !- boneless stuffed CKN stuffed inside a boneless stuffed Duck stuffed inside a boneless stuffed turkey !- How would U cook such thing Stinky ?-
Use halved onions and an orange as "stuffing" for the innermost bird. Sous vide at 132'f in contractor trash bag in a 30 gallon drum with a 3000w immersion heater for 6 hours then smoke below 150'F in a dead tree or hillside pit or similar contraption for another 4 hours. Serve with wild mushroom wild rice pilaf.

Hey... ya work with what ya got ; )

Edit: guess I'm assuming you have 460v service to run ol' sparky lolol I think you can get regular line voltage ones from Process Technologies. If you ever feel the need to speed up your feast preparation with the miracle of large scale sous vide... might have to cut the lights while you're cooking so as not to cause a transformer to catch fire lol
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