Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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120 proof ?- still better temper it down closer to 100 !- -- Gloman I'm still thinking about an electric water heater with a fiberglass tank !- Put a heating element and thermostat in it that could heat up close to 200 or little more --210 would be ideal ?- -- Fill the water tank with filtered mash thru the in line --hook the copper vapor line up to the hole the pop- off valve is in ! -- Run the vapor line to the thump keg - then out to a worm !
Do it right and no one even know It's a still ? - Even got a drain valve on the water heater to drain the tail !

Edit :-- Dragon Piss should be against the law !- Make U eat chit and howl at the moon !- I'm too old for that !

Run the shine thru the big still until U hit the tail -- Put it in the little still to take the head off with a second distillation!-
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Afternoon smoker and distillers....guessing that 120 proof is for medicinal purposes only....sounds like that would put you in orbit Gman..enjoy! Been doing Spring cleaning and organization...I amaze myself with all the junk I drag in....then I am amazed again at how fast time passes and it becomes yesterdays relics...discarding half a pick up load of just such items. The spare bedroom/junk room looks so much better ...and it will remain this way forever ...OK till next week max lol. Close enough for 4:20 here... so fire em up if you can!
HP in da house!- I already got a soft glow working but I take a hit to be polite !-- The moonshine is for extractions !- That's my story and I'm sticking to it !--
Right Gloman ?
Make U up a couple gallons --do that fast aging on it - if it starts out smooth ?- -Just imagine ?
It's prepper skills HP !-- Liqour - fuel and weed ?-- Trade for anything U need !--Might need to make your own fuel one day too?- Good skill to have in these troubled days !-!
Oh for Sure medicinal purposes Only!
Real truth of it is.......I don't drink. Well, no more than a shot and usually only when there is RSO in it and sometime a little fungus to amuse me. I do need my quiet time alone once in a while.
I don't drink anymore either Gloman !- It's the process of making liqour that gets under your skin ! - Just like growing do !

Edit :-- Besides I'm have all this used nute water regularly !- No sense wasting it --veggies and chit love it !- But I could also grow stuff to ferment in it like strawberries and blueberries ? From the waste product of growing - Get my money back I spent on nutes and stuff !
U ever had any Blue Berry Bounce ?-- It's just a strong homemade artisan blueberry wine !- Give it a taste ?--
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I could work the distilling out I think...got tons of friends still in farming so corn is easy to find and cheap...that picture of PB Whiskey is from my bud who has a grocery store...I could get all the sugar and yeast needed through him with no suspicions...last we have lots of Spring heads here with nice clean ground water. My BiL has his old still set up and my Sister would make me a great deal on it ( haul it off while he gone lol).
Of course U could work it out U know people who know these things here !-- I use a jacked up brewers yeast that can ferment up to about 18% !- U farm the yeast fermenting --they make alcohol and some other things !--- Alcohol start evaporating at 190 !- The head is the 1st to vaporize and condense and come out the worm as liquid -- It's poison !- Got methanol and acetates in it -- 1st 10% !- throw it out or use it for fuel !-- So Keef if I put filtered fermented mash in a still and start cooking how I know how much is 10% ?-
There's several ways - Some number the jars - see how much is 10% - trash that much of the 1st to come out !-
Small batch artisan liqour like we would do - I would cook it all off until U hit the tail like Gloman described- - Then measure it and see how much it was -- Put it back in an empty still and cook that much off !-The head or poison part distill over 1st !-Throw it out --Finish the run and U got twice distilled white lightening in a bottle !- U get a higher proof than 120 too this way ! 160 plus !- U still got to temper it down to closer to 100 proof for drinking !-- Use as is for RSO !- U done unless U want to do some fast aging !-
I would freeze off some water as water ice before I distill to condense the mash so I get a higher return on a run !- take 2 weeks of fast aging to put 1 year of age on it !

Edit -- I know it doesn't raise it that much but fermention in the grow room adds CO2 to the air -- more CO2 means more CO2 !- That's my reasoning and I'm sticking to it !
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From my experience it seems like there is a whole subset of skills that sprout from growing !- U can buy Everclear most places - U end up with 2nds like trim and do some extraction with that expensive Everclear !- Some say screw that I make my own !- Making RSO is distilling !- U put your mash (RSO wash)- in a still and cook the ethenol off !- Leaving RSO !- Only thing missing is fermenting your own mash !- I use 5 gallon buckets-- I teach U !- Several here know how !- So U end up fermenting in the grow room -
Then there some fungus some y'all know how to grow -- but I ain't going there !-- All started because U wanted to grow your own weed ?-

Edit-- learning to ferment U will also learn to make vinegar -- unfortunately !-- Unless U like to make your own pickles ?
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Weather clearing up !- That Wooly Bugger might be out screaming in the night again?-- U never know ?--
The swamp is alive with a thousand eyes -- and all of them watching U !-- Stay dahell out the Mudhole!

They got this thang in the army they call psychological warfare - Seems to apply to grow security in my book ? --Make sure U don't want to come snooping around !
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