What's shakin' OFC?
Foggy bottom morning here in Jawja - could barely see that big ol' moon through it. Great shot, Novitius! I'm a big believer in folks acting all squirrely during the full moon - spent my adult life dealing with people in sales, and some people go plumb loco for a few days. My dogs, too, get a little weirder than usual.
Big news here at AIP (Asylum in the Pines) - My better, smarter half has signed off on a Veg tent for old Key! Time to start learning about cloning, and LST, and stuff I've had to let slide only doing one grow a year. Convinced her that I can handle the 'bug-man' duties now that our old, trusted bug guy has had a stroke, so no working around those quarterly visits with some new guy who's not been vetted. Figure a 3 x 3 should set me about right.
Tucking into the Banana Haze this morning - Smoke 'em if you got 'em!