Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Yeah I did it both ways !- First bred NS -x- BBSL - Then came back on her later with ( MZR-X-BBSL) -- Waldo did me right !-- I got the SR91 -x ( MZR-X-BBSL) - Growing sexed and cloned !- I do however have a straw of that NS-X BBSL seed left !- It is potent and good medicine !
What Leroy over there doing ?--- BBSL dad and half Snow Lotus on his mom's side !-- Snow Desiel -x- Black Berry Snow Lotus --breeding it to the child of the White Indica outta the house of Umbra -- WI-X-BBSL - Gonna be loaded with Snow Lotus and BBSL !-- (WI -x- BBSL)-x- ( SD-x-BBSL)

Umbra that WI-x- BBSL can stand toe to toe with the Tranquil Elephantizer and I would put my money on it to win in a showdown !-- Dank !-Dank !-- and I'm jacking it up again !- Mudhole weed ain't no joke !- The Big Pink Hammer !- Too much pink in It's genes for it to not show most times !- Leroy probably over there talking sweet chit to her right now !-
Another reason I'm letting Leroy run long right up until the last minute is to collect some extra pollen -- He's a little ahead of the girls ! -When the first flower open I take him back to veg and he keeps openning flowers for awhile --I'll collect the pollen in a paper bag fold the paper bag up - put the bag in a jar and put the jar in the fridge - It'll keep awhile !
When the girls are in that powder puff stage of bloom I'll get it out and pollinate a lower limb !- I don't need a lot of seed - I also play the numbers - I breed a boy to several girl that impress me !- grow them out and smoke much weed seeing which I like best -- Snow Lotus heavy ?-- Me ?-- The secret to the Snow Lotus is not the Snow Lotus !-- It's in her offspring !- She the mother and grandmother of monsters !
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Phew what a rollercoaster of a weekend. Head kinda spinning.
Impeachment wrap up is wrapping up, and maybe the silver lining is that we're learning things about the weak points in our system. Maybe we can also see our way to a viable multi-party system, which would have brought some needed gravity to what was, essentially, a game of legal foosball. Red shirts, blue shirts, wait for the whistle, now KICK!
Super bowl was a welcome distraction and a good game. Grandpa coaching the lil'un to greatness; it don't come much more wholesome than that. I like those two together. Also, can we just notice j.lo and shakira being queens in Spanish on a network that hasn't exactly been supportive of latinx anything in recent memory? Also screw that Oscars snub. Who needs that anyway.
Subcool... damn. We tangled hard on my old forum home . I've been thinking about it since Nov posted the news. He was searching for something; we can only guess what it was. I hope he has found the peace he was missing.
Time to go run this all by my leafy therapists. I pay them in dirty sweet water and in return they don't tell me what a putz I am. Or at least, they do it silently.
Oh also... yay early spring! Thanks, chonky marmot!
I get my tarot cards out of storage I do a reading for U !-- Help U organize your thoughts !- Long distance shouldn't be a problem !--
A thought for the night ?
A song or poem from the old norse tale of Odin - the world tree and discovery of the runes !-

The Song of the High One ? -
I know I swung from that tree nine long days
Bloodied by my own blade
Myself a sacrifice to myself
None gave me bread
None gave me drink
I spied the runes
Dizzy and fainting- I fell

Not word for word and longer but along those lines !
No U don't need another toke Other Keef !- Look at U ?-
U need help Cuz !- U got a problem !
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If U can explain what's underneath that song /story ?-- I give U a dollar ?- Just one them short synopsis things about your interpetation of what it really means ?
Padre it ain't fun getting your *** kicked in front of a crowd !-- Tae-kwon-do tourney -- Ever time I openned my eyes there was a foot or a fist hitting me in the face !-- He didn't break my nose too bad !- My teacher straightened it back up for me and I got religious for a while there !-- I was going toward the light !-- My stongest trait was that I could take an asswhooping!--A soldier from Puerto Rico beat me like a redheaded step child in front of about 300 people !--He kept knocking me down and I kept getting back up --- but Sometimes I won !

It takes a lot to keep getting up every time you get knocked down brother.
I was young and stupid Padre !- I didn't know any better !--
As time went on I quit getting knocked down so much !--
Mighta had something to do with my patrol partner - He was a Sgt in the Korean Army and a Hop- Ki - Do master - Sgt -- Ahn -Yong- Ho !- He taught me !
Submission holds was his game !- Don't get close enough to let him grab U - He had no problem breaking fingers if U didn't quit fighting him !--

Most civilian policemen may have to deal with a trained killer only once or twice in thier career !- Everyone a military policeman deals with is a trained killer !-- I learned to fight to stay alive !--Beating a MP down was a badge of honor among the infantry and I was a little guy !-- I brought my own home grown style from Texas and perfected it in Korea - Let's see how focused U be when I start biting chunks out U ? -
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Good Morning OFC...Exciting game last night...did Andy Reid ever smile?...I may have missed it lol. 35 surgery's... no one should have to endure that...you are strong Padre just to survive the anesthesia...my nephew just had a Melanoma spot removed...4 inch incision ..20 sutures to close it. His Fathers side of the family has cancer events often...we are hoping they got it all...they claim they did. He is a stress heavy person...CPA with Masters from LSU...Treasurer for a large off shore Helicopter company. Keef you sound like one of my ol buddies who was a good fighter...his nickname was "ol feet and fangs"...he had a good punch as well and would take on all comers. If they were mean enough to get him on the floor....their troubles were just beginning...he would bite something off in a flash...he had to his credit...3 ear parts(preferred body part)...1 nose part and a finger tip. Never saw anyone he put the teeth not give up and scream like a panther. Enjoy this fine Monday and smoke it till ya drop!

Good morning ofc. I see from the times that people post that I'm out of the mainstream on waking times.

My smarter half asked if I heard that noise. It's the sound of peace and quiet! The grandkids and dog are home. Ahhhhhh.

To the politicals, today is caucus day. I've been asked and agreed to be a volunteer for directing people and setting up chairs in what will probably be a record turnout. I haven't even decided who I'm voting for in the primary. The two biggest dogs are still in the prohibition-is-good ages. I hope we can make better choices than that.

I won't tell my vote, even after I make my vote. My state Senator is up for re-election this year. I see her getting pictures by Trump whenever he signs anything. She's being investigated for taking money from a Russian oligarch thug who's in the news, into her campaign and using campaign money for her own purposes. I won't vote for corruption and selling out my country. Ever. This is going to be a nasty election. Sigh.

Today, I'm trimming my plants. I'm bottlenecked by long blooming sativa types blocking my bloom closet and a big crop waiting. The new crop needs some training for an even canopy. I bought a bigger light and am going to convert my veg room into a bloom room to clear out the bottleneck. This is going to be a learning process on trimming/ training the AK48s. The Raspberry cough was easy to figure out what to do.

YouTube will be my tutor.
Morning Dax...its just a time zone thing...I am a early bird based on personal philosophy's...it is kinda a early morning crew East Coast and then the late morning crew out on the West Coast. I grew a few AK48 a few years back...think I got them from Nirvana...nice fast finishing smoke...smooth...kinda skunky cat pee smell..nice yield too.
Morning OFC - - Ugh !-- Which way did he go George ?-- It's a blueberry type of morning -- Got another cup of coffee brewing -- I do love my Kuerig !-- I'm mostly where I want to be in veg -- I take some from bloom shortly then I move a new group in - Then order will rule in veg-- Bloom ?- At the change over when I harvest a group and move another in I got maybe 2 hours of work and bloom will be in order ! - 2 part bloom rotation of about 60 day finishers !-- On a once a month harvest schedule -- I'll be going back to my 4 part thing at the Bat Cave !- For awhile it will be straight up-- Get it !-- Clone /grow/ bloom / repeat --

Dax - I'm on central time -- I stir to life 6 ish or so !- HP usually beats me here -- Gloman too sometimes !-- Some time west coast don't come around until 8 or 9 my time ! -
I try to stay away from sativas -- They can jam U up having to wait when Veg ain't ! --
There's plenty of varieties will finish in 60 days Or so to choose from --
More coffee ?-- Maybe another toke or 2 ?-- I'm not ready to start this day yet !- Wake and Bake OFC -- Weed ain't smoking itself !-- Do your duty !
This grow is up and running --Only thing missing is the brewery where I make dat transaction grease !-- Libby's canned Peaches in heavy syrup ferment up real nice !-- Peach Brandy will work for U !- Cheap easy to make ! --Blueberry Farms all around here -- I'm need some blackberries too ?-- 60 proof "Wine " ?
I should be ashamed of myself !

Afore we start talking turkey --U need a taste of this Peach "Wine" -- Got some blueberry wine too --U gonna like it !--U like cherry wine ?- Have a sip of this and tell me what U think ?-- Which one U like best ?

Now what was we talking about ?- Oh yeah price !- U wanna leave here with this ?-- Then U set the hook and place that clear bottle of coconut brandy with those 2 nice decarbed buds floating around in it on the table !- The decarb brings a toasted flavor to it !--- Toasted coconut brandy- I mean wine !
I makes it with that shredded Bakers Sweetened coconut from the grocery store !

Edit :-- If U try putting a nice sized decarbed bud in a wine bottle -- I laugh at U !-- It will crumble to pieces when U try to put it in a bottle!-- The trick is to decarb the bud in the bottle so it don't get tore up
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Keef U don't even know how much THC/CBD is in them buds - No way U could make it the same everytime - U just guessing ?--
The bud is just window dressing grass hopper - The thing that makes it come out the same is the ethenol tincture with it's measured doses !-- I want about 6 doses per bottle ?--I measure up how much concentrated tincture will give me about that many doses --add it to the bottled "Wine" with the bud in it -- cork it and done !

Edit :-- I never made any pineapple Wine!-- U got coconut wine just seems logical U would need pineapple wine - If U was gonna make pina colada liqour ?- I mean wine !-- I wonder would U use canned pineapple or maybe pineapple pie filling ?
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