High OFC !-- My veg is chaos - about 75% Aero and 25% dirt !-- I'm on foot so I have to get people to pick up supplies or whatever for me !-- I got low headroom in bloom - Bloom has 2 parts to it half will be ready in a couple weeks the other half is a month behind them - I need some dirt so I can transfer some aero plants into dirt before I move them to bloom -- Clock's ticking and I got no acceptable dirt -- I 'm hope 2 weeks to settled into the dirt before going to bloom -- I need some patience!-- Screw some patience !--I need some good dirt ! -- I got the plants to fill bloom totally up at once -- Getting jammed by dirt !--I'll have my car back soon but that ain't helping the now !
Hey Dax -- I run aero in those big black and yellow totes--
Submerged pump - shoot straight up thru PVC manifold with micro sprayers then falls back down for another trip -
I run an aquarium air pump to a stone in the box - I figure the spray should oxygenated the water but I use the air pump to move fresh air thru the boxes -- Works well for me !
For me, the motivation was to be left alone and Not go back to prison. I'm well over the 3 strike rule.Maybe one day soon-- Say in January 2021 ?-- They might say-- Keef U can legally grow 6 plants -- I will be grateful and all - I be dragging 6 -- 6 foot tall sativas out the grow room in spring but that other part of the grow ?-- I'm do what I want -- U trained me to be what I am -- Looks like I might survive prohibition ?- If I survived Prohibition what is my motivation again to do what U say ?
Nov - I'm get U some seed !- give me a little while then we try it another way !-- It's a personal challenge!-- They say I can't get them thru -- I'm saying I can !
No offense to me the Government did that as well as steal the land. I'm literally 45% Native AmericanMorning OFC-- Ugh !-- I wish I would been easier on my body thru the years !-- It be getting some pay back on me today !
This gonna have to be an extended Wake and Bake !
HP -- U saying it's a scout ship from Planet 9 ?-- I just hope it didn't seed our atmosphere with any kind of deadly bacteria or virus !-- Uh-Oh ?-- Maybe just thin the herd some ?-- Couldn't be one those things like when the churh passed out Small Pox tainted blankets to the America Indians ? --and ---They God cleansed the land !- So they could claim it as thier own ?- No offense Padre ! - Just history !
I'm have some more coffee and smoke some dat chit made me crazy last night !-- We all gonna die ?-- Then I'm die high !-- Come get U some !--U slimy grey space alien mofo !--
Picture Mickey Mouse defiantly holding up a middle finger as a mighty eagle swoops in for the kill !
The Last Act of Defiance !
River hash -- I don't know nothing bout them plants - They not mine but I thought hemp was legal ?-- What's the problem ?-- I hope to go from the Bat Cave to a legal warehouse one day !-- Until then I do my best to not get caught ! --
I was just thinking the same thing about both, lol. I have no idea, but maybe a political rant offended him.Seems like putemback, done went on back...did somebody offend?lol
Haven’t seen that Cinister1 round of late either...guess we come and we go...