Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Building with fire wood and cement ?
About 4 inches of cement/mortar on each end of the fire wood -- Lay them like bricks--- Box off windows and doors -- It ain't saw mill chit but 18 inch thick walls would insulate it but good !-- I could do that back up in the woods make a nice hard grow room ?-- Gonna get in a gun fight those walls would protect U !-- Just an old stoner thought ?--
Got farming to do -- I'm slow but I tend to get it done !
Hello OFC

Another old stoner thought ?-- Take a toke off the wrong end of a joint U gonna burn da piss out your lip !-- Just saying !

Dam Keef !-- What is wrong with your lip ?-- U got da herpes or something ?-- Here's your finger !
I find myself hitting the wrong end of the vape pen sometimes when I am vaping. At least it doesn't hurt. ;)

Partly cloudy and cold this morning. 38 degrees
I brought in my glass hummingbird feeders this morning to fill them. The first one I rinsed in cold water and the glass shattered. I am letting the feeders warm to room temperature before I try that again.

Have a great day!
I tole y'all a story about magic and chit ?-- Old pot farmers seem to all be a little paranoid -- I know I am !-- When someone shows up here and they story don't quite jive to me ?--
I turns to my head injury magic -- Did it just the other day ! -- I get really high !--way high !-- Then make my preparations and step thru the curtian and out of this reality !-- I go to the MP nexus - looks like a mechanical flower -- I cut trail there !- Rode the signal back to the source !-- U may not care but Padre Puff is who and what he say he is !-- I'm satisfied !--He is a priest !
I read up on selfed seed. That's appalling. I guess I'll start buying reg seed from now on because I have the feeling some breeders might do this and sell them as Fem seed. I guess the possibility will always be there but it's best to cut out weak links.
Selfing should be a last ditch effort to save genetics such as when U have only the one girl and breeding her will change the genetics and U don't want them changed but need seed !-- I like regular photo seed -- F1 crosses when possible!-- for the diversity created by crossing unrelated plants and for hybrid vigor which diminishes after F-1 !

Edit :-- HP that front be backing up on us !- Wind direction has changed and it's cooling off !
Dam !- I finally got that last group to sex into bloom !-- We want the girls but we gonna keep a Purple Haze and Nurse Larry boy !-- Give me 2 weeks then I get them back in veg and commence cutting on them !-- I am impressed by that White Indica everytime I bloom her !-- I think she a perfect plant !-- I do stuff to her that would kill a lesser plant !-- She make that frost everytime !
I can understand that I guess Keef. Last ditch effort. They deserve warning labels. I know some breeders let you know but some tend to hold back info.
So, since I have some of these seeds I may as well see if they all are female. Right?
Might as well Nov !-- I been packaging some seed and got my shipping material -- U and RE need to let me know how to get some to U !-- I'm gonna drop some in the mail probably Monday so might as well send out to others !-
I assume I'm sending them to a mailbox that is not your's and don't care long as U get them !--I got a head injury - I forget the address soon as I write it on the package !-- Much weed as I smoke I'm lucky to remember my own name !--
I could say they just some home bred seed and nothing fancy-- just some old no name weed but that would be a lie !-- They may have no name but they got the bloodlines of champions !----They can hold they own !-- Up to them to earn a name !
@umbra the BoC tastes like fuel and bourbon. I have a mother. Bourbon! I know that fucking taste anywhere! For a minute I thought about going to get some. Bourbon. Then I took another toke and it's even better. I really only miss the taste of beer and liquor. Now I have some herb that tastes like bourbon.
Now Nov is ruined !-- I think he just became a terp hunter ?-- Discovering a new flavor or twist do that to U !- Make U stop looking at what is and start thinking about what hasn't been found and what could be !--
They got any cola varieties ?-- I'm thinking Jack and Coke ?-- U up to that Nov ?-- U can breed her many times as U want long as U keep an original piece in veg !
Here it is! I asked yall not to send me the snow, but here it is.
My F-150 is like a pig on ice in the snow. lol. I put an Oak log in the back for weight. 40" diameter x 5' long. Was just about all my tractor bucket could do to set it in.
Let me ask........wouldn't any container with a lid you can drill holes in be fine for a bubble cloner? I have a plastic shoe box with a lid I'm thinking about drilling 8- 1" holes in the lid and just rest the foam collars on top of the hole with the cutting hanging into the bubble zone.
Then put a clear tote over it for humidity control. Thoughts?
Or just Take a bucket of water and a piece of Styrofoam- poke some holes in it and stick the cuts thru the holes in the Styrofoam --add a good bubbler - float the foam with the plants stuck thru it in the bucket of water - U can put a dome over it if U want !--
Snow ?-- U on your own Gloman !
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