Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Good morning OFC

42 degrees outside and sunny with no clouds. Hummingbirds are swarming my feeders. I guess these Ana's hummingbirds don't migrate.
There are two tree squirrels that live in a tree down by my shop. The eat the food from a bird feeder I have on my deck. I have named them George and Gracie. ha ha

Sorry about Wilson Rose. He is in good hands with you.

Marshawn Lynch is a good guy. He helps so many people with his charities in Oakland. It was great he could play for a bit where he grew up. I am a fan.

It sounds like your set up is going to be awesome Redeyes. I had a camera once that could take pics like that. My Ipad really sucks for taking pics.

Enjoy this day friends.
Nov you can do a page snip with software and just load it like any picture

Annotation 2019-12-31 134851.png
Hey there ofc, page 1234...goin to the kids house for a little New Year’s Eve family thing...daughter in laws brother home from the air force for a bit...he’s a pilot but I’m not sure what he flies...looks like more trouble in Iraq...just when my grandson is possibly headed that way...not for a few months though as he is still finishing up his training...
The whole world need a doobie break...
Got my new grow space all painted up inside and out...gotta get another pump for the new res but that’s about all that’s left to do...now what am I gonna pop...
Not to me Nov !-- but I don't know much about much !-- I live in this world but I got a head injury so I don't understand lots of chit !--Like it will be perfectly safe to go out on the roads tonight !-- Or I'm drive to the bar or some place and drink a bunch then get in my car and drive home ?-- So much I just don't get ?
Maybe it'll be OK RE !-- Seems like a Wag the Dog thing to me !-- Maybe things will cool off ?-- There was a hot war happening when I joined the army the 1st time -- Figured my name would end up on that wall of honor dedicated to them that died in the jungle -- but instead they said poof-- U a cop --and sent me to a year long party in Korea !-- U never know ?
4 Dead in Ohio ?-- That Bridge In Selma ?- The freedom riders -- the church bombings and segregation- Water fountain say "White Only " -- The diner in the Woolworth ---Back of The bus !-- The Watts riots --Lynchings -- I Remember these things and more !-- U don't stand up for the down trodden --Who gonna stand up when they come for U ?--
Stinky say it's the end of the world ?-- No !-- We beat it back once before --we can do it again !-- The worst thing we can do is remain silent !-- Cause U have to live with what U do -- and what U don't do !

It's like Dejavu all over again !
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If U remember ?-- I was looking for a low salt - low protein diet for my furry boys ?-- I sent Other Keef on a quest -- Find me a food that fits that I can make for them !--
The answer I got back was -- Boudin!- no salt or very little -- get U a sausage stuffer and make it into links-- U can freeze it and get it out as needed !-- U could use a CKN and rice dish for them and put it into links !--
Go get high Other Keef - U did good !-- but --U better quit calling me a Dumass Cuz or we gonna fight !
Well here we go!
I'm off duty and there's a vile of dragon piss sitting here. Hmmm. By george, I think Ill have me some!
Whew! That shine its in is HOT!
No way of me telling for sure but I'm betting there's several hundred mg. THC per dose along with the extract from 1.5g. of G.T.
Remember what the door mouse said! Feed Your Head! :D:cool:
Chit must be 170 proof or So-- Too hot ?-- I THINK SO !- But it ain't for sipping - hit it and done !-- Did U do the dance Gloman ?-- Make me stomp the ground - turn around in cirlces and chit-- all while making animal sounds !-
Just nod if U can hear me ?

Edit:- I took a test dose of that honey oil in a coconut oil base from cleaning up that stuff -- Took too much !-- I gotta start all over -- and measure some chit this time !---dumass !-- It don't need to be this potent either !--
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I'm waiting for Umbra to tell about his D&C show !-- I been listening to some John Mayer lately -- He should have been there?-- He don't get enough credit for his ax chops !-- I been down with Dead and Company featuring John Mayer for awhile-- All Along the Watch Tower - They be kicking it !
Chit must be 170 proof or So-- Too hot ?-- I THINK SO !- But it ain't for sipping - hit it and done !-- Did U do the dance Gloman ?-- Make me stomp the ground - turn around in cirlces and chit-- all while making animal sounds !-
Just nod if U can hear me ?

Edit:- I took a test dose of that honey oil in a coconut oil base from cleaning up that stuff -- Took too much !-- I gotta start all over -- and measure some chit this time !---dumass !-- It don't need to be this potent either !--

Yeah it get your undivided attention for a few. Lol
I mix mine into hot coffee/cocoa.
I call them cadillacs. 1 spoon coffee 2 spoon cocoa. Hides almost anything!
I'm starting to get droopy eyelids and the grins. Me n the dogs!
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