Cane in da house !-- Good deal about fixing the eyes !-- U still doing the Tai Chi ?-- U gonna like LEDs !-- Now that U can see again U need to stop in more often !
Just wait and cull them back after they flower nice and amber...Flipped the lights to 12hrs today.
I got a total of 16 plants but only 10 are ready to sex. I'm just gonna leave the others in there so by the time the first 10 show the last 6 should be about ready too.
Then the hardest part.........culling it back to 5.
Ya they put a lens in the eye to correct my distance vision and it came out 20/20 amazing....Cane in da house !-- Good deal about fixing the eyes !-- U still doing the Tai Chi ?-- U gonna like LEDs !-- Now that U can see again U need to stop in more often !
Super fast start. I thought you meant the other hot, like, I know those beans!Nope, wish I had. Just commenting on the quick start.
blueberry wine sounds good - saved 1 the other 3 never looked like coming back still got 4 healthy to finish off so its not all a lossCrocket -Make me wanna start drinking again !-- That sounds tasty !-- Spring will be here soon and soon as I'm settled in at the new place I be filling my fermenters !
Make that blueberry wine then condense it by freezing off water ice !-- Blueberry Bounce !-- Maybe 35% alcohol ?
It make U bounce around !
Where U able to replace that pump and save those plants or was it too late ?