Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Morning OFC -- When it comes to plumbing Umbra -- 3 thing to remember -- Chit run down hill -- Pay is on Friday - and the boss is a SOB !
What happened now ?
Sprinkling in the mudhole becoming hard rain later --
Was a hold up on the house hunt - another set of papers to be sent out and signed -- Chit starting to get old -- Believe it or not living in a travel trailer be getting old !
Wake and Bake - Let's do tbis day !-- Weed Ain't smoking itself -- Do your duty OFC !
After the cold water line fixed, I was letting everything dry out. Went in space yesterday and found another leak in another wall cavity. Hot water pex line right where the tubing enters wall. Local farm supply was closed on Sunday. Home depot has it in 300ft lengths. Piece I need is 6", lol.
Post office sent me a note -- Can't deliver package because of interference from loose animal !-- This Bruno's hood I guess I should talk to him !-- UPS man gets out to play with him !-- I never seen Bruno be aggressive to people but he sure "F-ed" up that dog across the street !-- Big ole pitt bull black lab cross -- Registered junk yard dog !-- I do not know what's in that package so no way I go get it !-- Have the cops waiting on me ?-- I pass !
Tried to remove a rooted clone from an aero basket yesterday even though I know better !-- Ripped the roots right off -- Stuck it back in the cloner to re root !-- All Dumass Other Keef's fault !-- I told him not to do it !
I can't believe y'all run that Mars Hydro Priest off !-- I was learning stuff -- I'm be needing one those " Clergy" plaques for my Car -- One them crosses with that little fellow on it to hang from my rear view mirror -- Where they sell those collars like they wear ?-- Father Keef ?-- Kinda got a ring to it ?-- Pardon me child --I be back this way -- I'm hauling weed !
Plumbing issues solved. Local farm supply was open and had what I needed. Also needed a special tool to remove the pex from the shark bite connectors. 6" installed in 2 minutes. Tested it for leaks. Now have hot water, yeh. I don't like cold water showers much in the winter, lol. Took the day off anyway. I see a hot shower in my future.
Good deal Umbra !-- Life throws curve balls sometimes good thing U found the leaks when U did !--
I got the nephew set up and waiting on 1st harvest - 2 part rotation -- Move 6 plants to bloom once a month -- Bloom is full and they will be there next month -- That all flows well but there's an odd ball -- When I got here Nephew had a stump I had explained how to revegg and she was on her way -- Her bloodlines are straight up OFC -- From the house of Umbra came - The White -x- Nepal Indica -- Then Waldo my Black Berry Snow Lotus stud climbed all up on that thing -- Anyway she shaped like a green beach ball sitting on top a 5 gallon bucket and too tall for the bloom -- She been heavily groomed -- Maybe chop her into boo coup clones for spring ?-- Not sure because I be making a move soon -- Might leave the problem child with him ? - I got rooted cuts from her ?-- Oh she would make a lot of clones ?
I just don't know my way around here well enough yet !-- U got to be able to find them again ! I
--- I don't know yet ?-- Waiting for a solution to fall in my lap I guess !-- It happens sometimes !
Grinder marks and rat teeth marks wouldn't look much different - Put some sticky rat traps up there and see if they still around ?-- I perfer the mechanical rat traps baited with peanut butter !--
Heavy rain moving thru in bands - clear now but I hear thunder --
Whatcha burning Burnin1 ?-- Dispensaries ?-- buying clones ? -- Not having to hide from the cops ?-- I can't really wrap my mind around that reality ?
Grinder marks and rat teeth marks wouldn't look much different - Put some sticky rat traps up there and see if they still around ?-- I perfer the mechanical rat traps baited with peanut butter !--
Heavy rain moving thru in bands - clear now but I hear thunder --
Whatcha burning Burnin1 ?-- Dispensaries ?-- buying clones ? -- Not having to hide from the cops ?-- I can't really wrap my mind around that reality ?
that's what I used, lol traps with peanut butter put out 2 so far
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