Jake the one without a problem don't like peanut butter --
I sneak him a piece of jerky sometimes anyway !-- it was Jet the little one that was the big problem --
What caused the leak umbra? I had one a couple years ago at my old house...fixing some outside trim under the kitchen window and went thru a copper pipe with a nail...just about an inch above the bottom plate...I learned about soldering copper pipe but what an pain in the a$$...
It looks like wear marks. They used PECS for the hot water and schedule 40 for the cold water. This was the cold line. Grinder maybe when guys did the build out. This is on the top plate right where they installed a partition wall. Which is why it was leaking into the wall cavity.
I got another freak plant in veg -- PH-x- BBSL -- she doing strange chit !- Don't know if it is environmental or genetic yet -- If it straightens out and grows right it was environmental if it stays it is genetic -- I can't post a pic yet but the color is not right -- I'll keep an eye on it -- It does what I think it doing it will be outstanding !--
I bred it and I've grown it before but this is new --
Mom was a fine example --dark purple sparkly bud --Rose's Purple Haze -- Waldo my Black Berry Snow Lotus dad carried the pink trait and he upgraded anything he touched !-- -- Magenta Madness !--- Waldo brought the Madness --She pretty and potent !--I got 3 or 4 --This one just look different and hasn't been sexed yet !-
Nurse Larry lives !- Still unsexed but I got 3 babies might just live !
3 of Rose's original Purple Haze growing right beside it !
Snow Desiel -x- BBSL - --Ole Big Pink herself there too !
Sooo... I guess Brexit is happening. Thanks, Trump with an accent, you buffoon. Let's see if the Scottish referendum comes up for vote in the first fiscal quarter... my money's on Ayyyy. I gotta step away from BBC coverage and go to bed. This is nightmare fuel.
Smells like kerosene and if the vapors get sucked into your furnace intake, it'll fumigate your whole house better than an exterminator, and leave the place smelling like the business end of a greyhound that needs new cats.
The reason I called the BBSL male Waldo was because of those pictures where U supposed to find Waldo -- I lined up close to a dozen little girls of breeding age and turnt Waldo loose on them !---Where's Waldo ?-- Waldo was everywhere !--- That's what happens when U tell someone like me -- The BBSL male "Bring the Fire" -I'm go find out if it's true --- I kinda figured I had fire but Waldo did me right !-- Still got some those BBSL crosses never been grown !-- Don't breed like that !-- It's too much to figure out !
Stinky don't let the news get U down !-- It's just the end of the world and we all gonna die ---no big deal !-- I'm need a reloader more shotgun shells and 7.62 x 59 --Looks like we gonna fight ?-- I ain't kneeling to the King of the Right Wing !