D.D. woke up so wake and bake again !-- Pixie Sticks and the Nurse Larry for breakfast !-- The FDA really approved Pixie sticks ? -- That says a bunch about them don't it ? -- That green dye #3 got a tang to it !
Nap Wake and Bake !-- I'm old --I nap when I wanna nap !--
Umbra -- What U talking about ? --What strains ? -- Come on high minds want to know these things !
Dam U Umbra !-- Hazelnut Cream ? -- D.D. can't know about this !-- She like some Hazelnut !-- There's some kind of Hazelnut Liqour she likes ! -- Frangelico ? -- I get high spell check don't even know what I'm talking about !
Now U got me thinking !-- D.D. drinking Coconut Brandy --I think it is a little dry myself !-- But Hey I make for her !-- I had to cook the oil off the Bakers sweetened coconut before I fermented it !-- Do they make Hazelnut milk ? -- I gotta think about this !
I'm smoking ?--- Whatever in that jar right there !-- I knew what it was earlier !-- Purple Haze ? -- Might be ? --
Comes a time when it don't much matter anymore !-- It was them dam caps !-- D.D. try a toke of this --What U think about that ? -- I don't think I probably don't need another toke ?-- Blue Magoo ? --I saw that at Cannazon! -- Bred by Bohdi right ?
Morning O.F.C. !-- O-dark -thirty at the beach !-- 5:20 in the am central time !-- Nothing but old people with aches and pains get up this early !-- Coffee and --What was in this pipe ?-- Bout empty anyway !-- Ugh !-- My face !-- I'm building myself one those epic Sunday morning buzzes !-- Watching the weather and catching up on the news !-- I'm just not sure how much more of this MAGA stuff we can take !-- Seems like we have become a 3 party government -- U got the Democrats -- The traditional Republican party and the Ultra right wing faction of republicans of break away Trumpist party !-- Pretty clear there is smoke behind the Russian meddling in the election !--- Thier main goal was to cause chaos in our Democratic system thru those decisive Facebook and Twitter ads they bought !-- Looking to me like there is smoke behind that conspiracy smoke ! -- This presidency has no credibility so the Russians were successful in causing strife in America !-- It'll be quite interesting when the special counsels report comes out and we find out what really happened to bring us to this dangerous situation !
Caps kick in I probably got back to bed! -- Body and mind been beat up pretty bad lately !-- A bowl to better times !-- Snow Desiel ?-- I do like me some snow desiel !
Morning world. Sunny 60 here at 9:30. Slept late, felt good. Cup of Joe and a fresh bowl. Football coming on soon. Trying emperor og x twisted purple og and some thin mint gsc
Mid 80s here already! -- Epic buzz ? -- I might be there !-- D.D. need some clothes soap and few things !-- Go see if I can herd that new ride of hers down the road !-- Anybody could do it straight and sober but can U do it lit up like a Christmas tree ? -- Bet I can !-- --E-Ha