Public Service Announcement !--
Hello Ms. Brandi !
Hello Ms. Brandi !
I like dirt these days but you did mention running a live res, didn't you? Organic is organic right?I'm still looking at Ringo's Gift -- 24 to one CBD/THC but it is gonna vary -- I want 24 to one got dammit !-- That would work well with my high THC as an edible- oil or caps !--
Hey I been speaking to a realtor -- We bout to get this show on the road !-- I got my girls or most of them anyway -- This last group - the colored grow can wait to be sexed ! -- - The nephew got a functional continuous grow set up -- A 2 part rotation -- Once a month harvest starting 8 January - If he can keep it going -- Time to set myself back up !-- Still not sure if I'll go back to water pharming or stay in dirt ?--
What I do know is I got me a high class harem - I think there's 8 girls now !-- I always tbought the gdowing them up and sexing was the hard part - Once I got my girls I clone dahell out them !--
Now THATS funny!Good morning OFC. Steve's Grow, sorry about laughing at the arden. It does look like a coffee travel mug, and seems over priced for what it does.
I've been a single dad for a long time. When #2 son turned 5, I had a birthday party for him. I was in a rented townhouse, but invited 20 of my son's kindergarten class. I was surprised so many parents simply dropped their kid off. So I gave the kids Jolt soda and pixie stix. They had chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream. The sugar rush was kicking in, just as their parents were picking them up.