I thought I would take it upon myself to teach Rose how to cook some simple Cajun dishes if she wishes !
Some people don't like spicy !-- I like a little spice but no sense in burning out the taste buds !-- I need to talk to D.D. about some easy recipes where the ingredients are universally available !-- That andoullie sausage up there that is just for seasoning in my book it is way too spicy to eat like on a bun !-- Some can !-- I don't !-- Dice some of that up and use it in stuff like beans and it's a whole nother dish !-- Maybe a Cajun Meatloaf ? -- Yeah that's a good one !-- She got the cooking bible so I'm outta luck right now !
I am married to arguably the best cajun cook ever was !-- One half her family come from eastern and northern Louisiana !-- The other half from more the New Orleans area !-- 2 different Louisiana cooking styles and she married them together !-- Then she met me and I say girlfriend I love the cooking but them chicken legs and half crabs in the Shell got to go !-- Sheet be good but U have to eat it in the bathtub ! --I get it everywhere !-- She knew how to hook me up !-- Sea food jumbo I like Alaskan King crab legs or Dungeness --Unless somebody else gonna shell and pick them !-- I do the shrimp !-- Long as we not talking a hundred pounds then I'm out !-- Crawfish tails they come peeled and picked in one pound fresh frozen packages ! --We try to keep some around !
Nick I was just telling her that !-- I was telling her about your Stoner Cookbook and if she could contribute ? -- She said hell yeah !-- We talked about it !-- U know how it is though somethings are only available in certain regions !-- That meatloaf ?-- If U can find a better recipe prove it !-- Oh Yeah! -- Gumbo -- Etoufee--
Bread Pudding with Bourbon Sauce !-- U would eat that bourbon sauce on tree bark !-- Once I took a big pan to a covered dish thing in the O.R. !-- They cleaned it up !-- After it was gone I announced that if U had the bread pudding with bourbon sauce -- U might want to avoid drug screens for awhile !-- Ha !-- Beeches out buying kits to self test and stuff !-- The bread pudding was clean and so was the bourbon sauce which is where I woulda put it !-- We didn't have any random drug screens for a long time !
I told them -- Think about it !
Nick I got fired some !-- Not for that usually it was a just reason !-- I don't know when to shut up !-- Onliest thing was I was very good at my job and I could find another job without much trouble so what can I say ? -
When I went in to apply for a job as a surgical assistant at that fertility clinic the person who was gonna supposed to assist the surgeon that day didn't show up so I filled in for her !-- I think I filled out the job application the next week or so !-- People ask me what I did for a living I used to tell them "Make babies" What do U do ? -- Yes sir my first exposure to the gamete intra fallopian transfer ( GIFT) procedure was doing it ! -- 26 hours removing a tumor from around an optic nerve !-- Yep !- I been in a brain or 2 !-- Matter of fact ain't too many places in the body I don't know the anatomy and physiology ! -- I assisted on more open heart surgeries than I care to even think about ! -- So getting fired never really concerned me !-- U don't have to be wrong in the medical field to get fired !-- Hospitals get paid by patient's whose doctor put them in the hospital -- U get on the wrong side of the wrong doctor U fired !-- U on the right side of the right doctors even your boss won't fire U !
50% of Nurse anesthesia and Anesthesia Doctors will have a drug problem during thier careers! -- Numbers might have change a little but probably not !-- I used to spot they tricks !- Seen most of the tricks enough to know what I was seeing !
Wanna know one reason a surgeon charges so much ? -- How much would U charge if your malpractice insurance was gonna cost U half million a year ?
I asked an anesthesia doctor once why they charge so much to put a patient asleep !-- He chuckled and said Keef U got it all wrong !--We put the patients to sleep for free !-- It's the waking them up we charge for !
I heard that one before. My last ex was a operating room nurse (the main one I dunno nuttin' about that stuff) for a laproscopic surgeon. She said most of them anesthes---whatevers pay higher premiums then the surgeons they work with
O.K. I am lit up now !-- U think I take too many caps sometimes ? -- I don't either !-- They got all sorts and flavors of drugs in the hospital !-- I used to have to go tell my boss ---Dr. So and So is lit up again what U want me to do ? -- She say go baby sit her and keep her away from the lock box !--guard the lock box ? -- Like sending a fox to guard the hen house but who was I ? -- They got this one drug called ketamine that does what they call disassociative anesthesia !-- Seperate your mind from your body !-- Might be good for a shaman in training but other than that we used it when we had to do things like manipulate a frozen shoulder or something !-- To some people the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard make them crazy !-- U don't want to hear the sound of ripping the adhesions loose in a frozen shoulder !-- Patient don't feel a thing !-- Lights is on but ain't nobody home !-- They in the spirit world and that event mark them the rest of thier lives !-- Like seeing something important out the corner of your eye and not knowing what it was --but that it was important !-- Or possibly the most terrifying thing they ever experienced !-- Take a true shaman to walk there with no fear !-- It also has the tendency to be abused by some who don't really know that what is happening may be instructive and not just for kicks !-- It is not something to be toyed with !-- Made me wonder how to find my body again ? -- Then I remembered I left my body somewhere in the sands of time !-- Right body wrong time ? -- Knowing where U buried ? -Would U want to visit ? -- Told U I was high-high !
Hey folks. Just made it home a little bit ago. Harley is good, although worn out from the trip. My nerves are much better now. I half expected the place to be ransacked when I got home but nope. All is fine. I'll have to find the camera and git me some pics. Nuttin' goin on really special but I got some pretty stuff workin'