Keef, I have no choice but to do what I do
What happens to the sodium and other hydrogen atom in that setup? Both are highly reactive.If you take table salt, NaCl mix it with some water and do electrolysis. Maybe add a little mild acid to adjust ph you will get a chemical reaction that gives you HOCl
Both the hydrogen and Cl are in a gaseous form and vent to the atmosphere.What happens to the sodium and other hydrogen atom in that setup? Both are highly reactive.
Is the tank already stainless? The easiest and bet bet is to just passivate it in a solution of 10g/l citric acid and 10g/L saltpeter (very mild solution that is spec'd for cleaning but will passivate many alloys at room temperature, gotta pre clean well too) but helps to know the alloy first. If its restaurant grade stainless i wouldn't be surprised. Pm me if you're interested, I'm not in front of my spec library atm. Most of the options for legit plating would give you a lot of hazardous leftover solution and you dont want stray chromium in your life.So all this lectrolize got me thinking -- Ain't there a way I can use DC current and a copper electrote to electroplate the inside of a steel water tank ?-- It has nothing to do with a moonshine still !--
Well played, hp...The bots are busy today...they always pick up during the holidays...the poorly written algorithms pick wrong discussion boards for bombing...I mean if your gonna increase size and girth on a cannabis forum it better be cannabis flowers your talking lol.
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