Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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New chapter to the Camel’s travels…

  • were moving soon (gave up on the horse barn property and focused on the house this time)

  • they saw “something” really really small in the last MRI that they don’t know what it is
" Utilizing coregistration software
for slice by slice comparison, stable extent of patchy T2/FLAIR
hyperintensity surrounding the resection extending into the periatrial
white matter. Following contrast administration, essentially stable
appearance of 3-4 mm irregular focus of parenchymal enhancement along the
superior resection margin (series 16, image 130). Suspect new punctate
focus of enhancement in the left periatrial white matter (image 109). On
the perfusion sequences, no definite elevated CBV corresponding with the
foci of enhancement, the utility of which is significantly limited by
prominent localized susceptibility artifact and the size of enhancement
below the resolution of perfusion imaging.

  • had an unplanned colonoscopy and a hemorrhoidectomy over the weekend just got home a few days ago
    (NO colon cancer or colitis , just the biggest hemorrhoid my doctor had seen in her 20 year career)
physically feeling great (other than the sore parts back there)
anxiety over the MRI is obviously there but I have (some) confidence and a lot of distractions to pass the time till the next MRI

oh and this percocet helps a lil too

good night all and to all a good nights sleep

front big gray.jpg

3487 sq ft
full basement
“5” bed, 3.5 bath
3 car attached PLUS a 3-4 space (electric, gas heat and water, insulated) detached garage

SATmap big gray.jpg

across the street from a LARGE Metro-park

west is a STEEEEEP slop DOWN
south is a steep slop DOWN
north is still a bit sloped UP but basically runs the ridge of very scenic view (west)
east is more or less flat

house faces west

did it before I knew about the MRI
guess I know why (again)
too many similarities… bought a big white truck and moved to a new house and got cancer…
bought a big white truck and am moving to a new house, and then this fucking MRI shadow

yup this is the real life baby

I’ve got to blow out the first ??? yards of the driveway to get 3 of my cars onto the property without going 3-wheeling or scraping front plastic BAD!!
retention wall in back needs attention/rebuilt

more pics soon closing in about 2 weeks

the inside is a looker :)

got WOOD.jpg
Go Joe !-- Beautiful place !-- U should be concerned about the MRI but not flipping out !-- There's lots of anomalies in the human body -- most are not cancerous !-- I been in a few heads U know ?--- Spent 26 hours straight once unwrapping a tumour from the optic nerve thru a microscope - Very tedious !--

Edit :-- U staying on a regular edible ?
20 years in surgery !-- It ain't all brain surgery !-- I have help build some the prettiest breast U ever saw !-- Am I allowed to say that ?-- It's true anyway !--

Nurse with tiny hands used to cry when we called her to the OR !-- She knew she was gonna have to fish something out some place it shouldn't have been !-- or at least change the batteries !--
I know nasty !--I seen a lot of it !
Joe, i was talking about you. I am so glad to hear from you. what a crazy time. What are you doing about oil? I can sure make you some, harvest is done. A lady whose husband has glioblastoma is too snobby to use cannabis, and so is her husband, the ex mayor. Have any words to them? Hugs Joe, your new place is beautiful and i will always remember your last place as christmas card beautiful. This place is amazing....omg
They wet !--- Nurse Larry -- Rose's Purple Haze -- Snow Desiel -x- Black Berry Snow Lotus ( Big Pink !)-- (makes pink bud)--
Child of PH !-- PH-x- BBSL -- (Magenta Madness )-- Sparkly soft purple bud -- BBSL bring the madness part -- couple more Lemon -x- 3 -- This thing Umbra did that I really liked -- "V" -- don't remember the genetics this instant -- Mystery terps !--
V is golden ticket x BoC
I knew that !-- I just forgot !--I only had 2 seed left - they wet - I like that girl !-- Reminds me of Mimosa with that mystery terp thing !-- Wish me luck on a girl !
I hate U Cuz !-- Purple Parfait ?-- Were London Bridge seed worth it ?--Sounds like it !-- That's too rich for my blood !-- $800 for a pack of seed ?-- I pay that much --the chit should come out the ground in a jar !--

Edit :-- Where da Box of Cherries ?
I hate U Cuz !-- Purple Parfait ?-- Were London Bridge seed worth it ?--Sounds like it !-- That's too rich for my blood !-- $800 for a pack of seed ?-- I pay that much --the chit should come out the ground in a jar !--

Edit :-- Where da Box of Cherries ?
You did not say 800 for a pack of seeds?
Home Grown-- - That is exactly what I said !-- $800 for a pack of seed !-- Umbra don't play !--
Now about these purple parfait seed ?-- I like purple weed too !-- and Pink !-- Is there a blue ?-- I know there is Orange-- not the fruit !-- Gasmax ?--
Candy Cane -x- Bunch of Grapes -- What can I expect ?-- They doing well -- lots of Indica?-- musta been a lot of Indica dads ?-- All those grape crosses got lots of Indica !
Happy Friday night all. Used to be able to hammer back a fair amount of Hey Ya’alls by the fire. Now that we have been puffin my weed, I can’t drink more than 2! Neck hurts tonight. Could drive me to drink if I wasn’t ready for bed. Anyway not even the fire could keep me warm tonight. Gnite app!


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Good Morning OFC... Welcome @ HomeGrown.....Another nice cool 38* morning here....no frost though. We had a lite frost yesterday so technically it was the first one and right on schedule. Over 1400 strains and I think Umbra has most of them...nice colors you have there! Sphincter spasms .....now that has got to hurt...Hope you feel better soon Joe. Off for a walk and then work...my lite week has gone and the phone is crazy again. Enjoy this fine day the cannabis way!

Good morning yall!
Cold and wet here, but its pay day and I'm gonna take a trip to the dispensary. I hate paying their price but I'm due for a little bud. 20 dollars a gram really bites me in the craw but January is just around the corner..........
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