Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I heard about them giant things down under they call Crayfish too !-Looked like a lobster to me ?--- Where abouts a fellow get half dozen or so of them-- Or some " prawns" ?-- It don't matter what U call them ?-- I know what to do with them !--
I almost bought a snack distributorship about 20 years ago. Lot's of exotic jerky like gator and buffalo. I did the numbers and figured it was too much work for too little money. I was sent samples of the jerky. I never did try out the exotic jerky types..emu jerky.. ugh I gave those to a buddy who ate them stoned in his dark car while driving one night. He did not remember it was exotic jerky until I asked him how it tasted later.
Oregon Lemon or - Lemon Larry-x-Lemon Thai -x- Oregon Lemon ?
Got to have Nurse Larry -- only got a couple seed left to -- Golden Ticket -x- BOC - Might as well - she is nice !
That wasn't supposed to happen -- it started as a look at what color I got !--
Purple Haze
Purple Mimosa
Snow Desiel - x- BBSL

Just looking !-- but I might ?--
Afternoon Everyone....Food is the subject today and I forgot to put anything out to thaw for dinner...Oh well...oatmeal is good for ya anyhow...We get a wide assortment of exotic meats here as well....most of them are locally grown...Emu...Alligators...Red Deer...Elk...Rattle Snake and if you go down to Cajun country...be sure you ask whats in it before you dine!
This time of year, I'd go to Eastern State Prison in Philly for their Halloween haunted prison tour. They executed 100's of people in the electric chair and it is considered to be very haunted. Across the street is Jack's Firehouse. Great restaurant. One year I was there and they had wild boar, barbequed bear, the local 4H club raised a goat and the restaurant bought and butchered it so it was on the menu, and venison. Different for sure.
Power out across town and my internet is out prolly because it gets here from across town...I’m talkin to ya via my cell which is very slow cuz it already ran out of data and they got me in safety mode till the end of the month comin up...
Lemme see what’s in my fridge tonight......
It's raining here -- Weatherman said there is a chance of rain tommorrow-- 100 % of the area 100% of the day !-- I'm not sure but feels like rain ?
I'm watching the news !-- Waiting for the footage of Ole Bone Spurs and Fido dropping into a dark tunnel to deal with El Bag Daddy !-- Oh that's right Bone Spurs ?-- So the CKN Chit could avoid Vietnam ?--5 deferments to avoid military service -- Who went in your place ?-- Thanks daddy !--- Oh he got the Bag Daddy alright !- It was all him !-- Yep no doubt !--
I do got a problem with them calling this soldier who swore an oath and bled for our country that testified to congress today a spy ?-- That's a bit much for me !-- He took an oath and bled for us !-- He has nothing to prove to anybody !

Edit :-- 3 days in the hole ?- It would be an honor !
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We have a restaurant like that Jack's Firehouse outside the city called Gamekeepers Tavern. I think that was where I tried antelope burgers. Good stuff. Someday I'll open a Tavern like those. Rotating menu of savory and exotic meats and dishes. House brewed beers and ales. Cannabis infusion to be added when it's legal. Someday!
Let me hit that real quick Nov ?-- I might just run up to Michigan and go shopping this afternoon ?-- Nope little too far for me !-- Buy me something next time Nov !-- I don't get dope store stuff much

Next time I run up to Detroit I will Keef. You want some near pure thc?
Best part of my day reading what you all have been up to! Yes I live a quiet life. Sit on my back deck when I get home from work and watch hummingbirds. Retirement can’t come soon enough.
So you all might wanna slap me but the meat you all eat is way beyond my taste pallet. I love seafood but it’s costly. We eat a lot of chicken. Hubby likes his steak once in awhile but if I see blood on the plate my gage reflex goes into high. Never had or tried half of what you all like. Hubby would give it a go but I’m just a sap. I’ve got $200 in gift cards for The Keg Steak House. I have a great big lobster and that’ll be my seafood feast till the kids come in. Hey Rose, I feed my boys raw food since my little one got bladder stones a few years back. Haven’t had a problem since. Good luck with your pups new diet! He’ll love it
I have a new toy and while it seems kinda gimmicky it might just turn out to be the bomb! I'm testing
Morning Everyone...Love seeing a well stocked cannabis tool box.Time change slipping in this weekend...I wish they would choose a standardized time and leave it alone...L Johnson backed this in 1966....surely there is better ideals by now. Heart attack and strokes increase and studies show it is very hard on folks over 65. The garden is smelling wonderful...emitting the"I'm a little Afghani" smell...continues to run a bit ahead of 63 day schedule. Getting some nice secondary buds from the QB LED penetration...with proper room and topping the girls....no telling how much they would produce.Wishing all a pain and stress free day!

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Morning OFC. Its expected to snow Saturday! Fuck you!! I'm not ready for that mess yet! According to the almanac we're set for a vortex this winter. Nasty, miserable assault on human life in the region.
Just goofing around. But I do dislike snow. No one knows how to drive suddenly. Cars sliding all over the road.
Ok wake n bake with Citral Glue is fun!
I ordered a 2 gal pump sprayer to help me reach the girls in the back. Should help for foliar feeds too. I guess I'll update the journal today with some pics. Gotta get the clones moved to their new home! Gonna flip the lights today as long as nothing comes up!
Good morning OFC. Nov, I use 2 separate sprayers for those jobs so I don't need to flush the tank out every time I switch functions. 1 dedicated to nutes and another for pesticides
So far I haven't needed pesticides. Had some small flies for a bit but a bowl of water with Saran wrap straightened them out. They flew in but couldn't get out. I probably should have something on hand for the inevitable though. I was planning to order predators if needed. I'm not keen on chemicals. What do you use?

Snow??? Im still on 80 degree nights!
Yes, snow! The worst four letter word of them all. Send some of your night time warmth to us in the day. We need it.
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