Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Hi guys, can i tell you I am blown away by the sweetness. I got a call and 3 nephews one niece and one daughter are coming to harvest this weekend. I am shocked.. Should be fun. some haven't seen each other in years.. Marijuana brings family's together. LOL. love it so much.
I'm 65 and no major complaints from the neck down !-- Took a mighty blow to the face on a concrete floor when I fell -- They peeled my face off and bolted everything back together best they could - I have some pressure and pain when the weather changes -- My major complaint is my neck - I bulged 3 disc and when it gets inflamed the left arm don't work right !-- Lost most of a decade as a legal Morphine junkie - it was killing me slowly -- I make my own medicine now !-- It's against the law but the doctor's morphine isn't ?-- This is a messed up world we live in !
Sounds painful. I did a lot of heavy heavy work over the years . Ya know, I am woman hear me roar. Paying for it now. Absolutely not worth it. White collar desk job now. Thank Gawd. It’s the yard work that knocks me down. And yes, it’s a totally messed up world but if I get going on that I’ll be kicked out! Our federal election is on the 21st. Hoping for a better outcome than the last.
Rose U need to turn it into a family harvest holiday !-- Do they trim too ?-- They can learn !--
I got babies under 12/12 -- It's not a flip like U guys would do -- I'm just sexing them -- I'll bring them back to veg and start cutting on them -- That way I can run as much as I want of whatever I want to fit the space -- Get my bloom rotation back on but there's stuff to do 1st -- Veg got to get to the point it can support the rotation so I run a cycle of WI-x-BBSL that buys me 2 months to get veg in order --
Then 25% of bloom comes over from veg every 2 weeks -- 2 months later my wheel is rolling -- Something go to bloom every 2 weeks and something come out every 2 weeks --
Blueberry - Grape - Lemon -- Blueberry Chocolate and my Indica hammers ?-( My Snow Lotus crosses -mind mowers and steam rollers all !)-- It's all coming together !-- Gonna be a nice hemp farm !-- I'm need me a trim crew too !-- I really- really - really don't like to trim !-- but I do like scissor hash !
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How to make a crackhead booby trap ?--- U need bait -- I hear they are attracted to power tools or anything they could sell at a pawn shop ?-- Electricity would be funny if U could see what happened ?-- There's game cameras and motion sensitive lights ?-- I think I saw one those electric fence controllers ?-- 1st thing tommorrow ?--Crackhead Booby Trap !---U can take anything U want - but -- U better not take it from me !-- Time to turn up the voodoo ?--I wouldn't touch that if I was U ?-- Tweak this !-- The nerve ?-- They shoulda just give me a paintball gun and let me go light them up and we wouldn't have had to do this ?-- I need deniability-- an accident ?--
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Forgive him Umbra !- He knows not what he asks !-- ( or does he?)---Roadkill Skunk ?-- Nick went down to the crossroads !-- I have no doubt Umbra got some EVIL STANKY CHIT - Off in his seed stash !-- There should be that evil thunder going off in the distance like in a horror show !-- For a friend ?-- Y'all scare me sometimes !
I don't want none !
Yup left eye was done in September. Can’t wait for the next one. But will definitely need readers. Hips are still ok. Back is another issue. But above ground is the best.
There is a procedure called mono vision. Not everyone can tolerate it, but 1 eye is near vision and the other is far vision. They can put different IOL in each eye. I was involved in phaeco emulsification as well as Laser thermal keratoplasty.
I used to have my bifocals cut a special way so I could focus on the circuit boards burried in fire control consoles. I don't think I could deal with the headaches that go along with having two eyes out of focus with each other. I'd be wearing an eye patch for sure. Where can I get some seeds?
I used to have my bifocals cut a special way so I could focus on the circuit boards burried in fire control consoles. I don't think I could deal with the headaches that go along with having two eyes out of focus with each other. I'd be wearing an eye patch for sure. Where can I get some seeds?
They would test people using 2 different contact lens to see how they did. It has to do with your dominant eye. Some people would become disoriented or dizzy from it. But when it works, it's amazing.
Hey old stoners...y’all are talkin bout old fart problems...yeah I got’m too...lost one of my hearing aids day before yesterday...now if I wear one, I get all whacked out...I hope I can just buy one, they ain’t cheap...yes I did backtrack to everywhere I’ve been. Lost one a couple months ago and found it but this time I don’t feel lucky... a couple days ago, Jozi chewed a hole thru the inside of my shirt pocket and I forgot and stuck those ear pieces in there...I saw one fall out but the other was already gone and I’d already travelled a few miles...let me go back out in my garden to look again and maybe I’ll light this pipe so I can see my way around...
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Good Morning OFC...OF problems...I have a few myself...arthritis knots on both index fingers and feet...drop more stuff than I hold onto...failing hearing...I have hearing aids but do not wear them when its hot...I sweat too much. But on the other hand...I have few problems compared to others...so I am grateful and the cannabis fixes everything else anyway lol. I gave a friend who suffers from bad back pains some of Keefs Kocconut Kannabis Kaps* trademark....you will get that royalty check Keef lol. He called up yesterday asking for more...I was like did they work?...he took 2 and was able to live a normal life with work included...yet they are schedule 1 with FDA . Transition weather day for here....weather command done screwed up and cut us some slack....in the form of rain and cooler temps...even talking some 30's next week maybe??? fire weather you say???...we'll see. Have a pain and stress free day amigos .

Was sending this pic.. then noticed small patch on leaf on right side of bud, YIKES!!! never had before but sent me into instant panic. I examined plant Saturday and again yesterday found one other small patch on leaves. How can I tell if on buds?? Can anyone tell if on bud in pic. Next question should I go ahead and take down now. Does it show up on leaves first?? Help!
1005 bud 2.jpg
Morning OFC !-- Dragging !-- HP knock yourself out with the caps -- I got big sack of dry decarb caps - I like the coconut oil and still chase caps with a spoon it sometimes -- It was just a thing about U can spill the oil but not the caps !--
I had 4 this morning with coffee and a Hershey bar -- Works fine !-- I sure haven't been smoking much -- The pipe is there I'm just good with the caps -- I do like a toke or 2 in the morning though !--
My eyes are OK but my arms aren't long enough so I wear readers !--+ 250 -- for up close - I still see distance pretty good !-- When I have swelling in my face it distorts the vision in my left eye some -- Not so bad this morning !
Still stiff in the neck but the caps will help !-- I made 300 cannacaps the other day ! -- I be OK for awhile U would think ?-I take maybe 12 a day- 3 doses of 4 -( 3 seems to be a large dose for most )-- The nephew wanted a fist full - The ex wants some -- she's been sick and trying to get back to work ( I'm being nice )-- I was gonna make some for me and take some to my sister in law to start building her tolerance- she got some precancerous stuff !-- This keeps up I'm have to cook some more weed !
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I know that's right Nick !-- My Mars Hydro 300 watt lights are beginning to given up the ghost -- Got 5 with a bad chip -- There's 4 circuits on each light - if a chip goes bad that whole circuit shuts down -- so one half of one side of the light don't work -- I got a couple country fab geniuses and we gonna have a light fixing class !-- All that has to be done is jump around the bad chip and the circuit lights up again minus that chip !-- We gonna start here but I already ask the important question they just didn't get it yet !-- I wanted to know if I bought this special expensive LED could U guys take it apart -fab me some frames- order some parts and make me a mess of them ?-- I think It's called a Spyder or Fluence I'll double check -- Bootleg lights ?-- Which one ?

Edit :--For the time being -- the fans and drivers are still good - could they be adapted to run COBB chips ?
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