Hope she is ok!Hi guys, I had to take my Kali girl, a terrier mutt to the vet. She has a bleeding problem. She will get blood transfusions, 3 of them and spend the night in the hospital. She was a rescue, she rescued us. She was chasing cars when my neighbor threw her at me and said she was going to be killed by cars. So i asked my then 11 year old poodle if he wanted her and he said SURE! She is a tough 8 year old. That was 8 fast years. She might live and if we get her on steroids she may live longer. I was/am a crying mess at the vets. Kali told me to calm down.ha
welcome to our new members!
Happy Birthday Umbra, We sure appreciate you around here, seems like your birthday is a good time to tell you. Thank you for all you do. Love ya man.
Keef that would be GREEN. Home from work. Ready to Par Tay. 62 is the new 35.
Who is PoPo? Sorry completely in the dark and maybe shouldn’t ask but it sounds like you are in a messed up place. Sorry to hear this. Hope you do get some sleepHere we go again. I don't know if I'll be here for long. PoPo is at my friends house. He got slobbering drunk today and destroyed the place. Earlier we had trimmed 2 pretty large indoor plants and the house reeked when I left. Dunno who called the cops but I won't be sleeping well for a few....
The Police...he lives in a prohibition state...Who is PoPo? Sorry completely in the dark and maybe shouldn’t ask but it sounds like you are in a messed up place. Sorry to hear this. Hope you do get some sleep