Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Good morning all,
RE, i love lambsbread, it does do both, good call.
Still hot Nick? We have overcast. Going to the eye doc with bud to make him buy new glasses. 7 years? I think it is time.
Lambsbread outdoors will never be done... what the heck. A good friend told me plants grow bigger during a full moon. I hope so. It is 8 am, time to get baked.
I think I've started all the seed I'm start for this batch -- moved 3 little SR and the single Larry OG to larger planters -- Time to let them grow for awhile -- I might be sexing 3 weeks or a month from now -- In the mean time I must insist that this White Indica root in dirt !--
Got the wrong carb for my scoot !- Had to send it back and get the right one -- I should be riding again soon -
I know U like them but No !-- U can't just HAVE a bag of them cannacaps !- That's MY medicine !--No U can't have that either !-- Where's that stick I hit people with ?-- U know ?--My dumass stick !
I got one those dirt farming /iron ore well water type questions -- would water dripping from an A.C. unit be any better or make a difference ?--They seem to be digging the well water ? - I don't have my R/O system yet -- I put some EM1 in the water too !-- That's just how I roll !-- Seems like they would have found a better way in the last 30 years to tell when U need to water besides sticking your finger in the dirt ?-- I don't know about this dirt farming chit !- In aero I never even had to water ! - Maybe It's the head Injury but watering is one grow activity I can mark off the list in water pharming!
Yeah, and reservoir changes is something dirt farmers don't do. Or ph for that matter. Speaking of, dirt is an amazing buffer and as such as long as it don't stink like Sulphur or turn the sink red, your plants should love the well water.
Good Morning OFC....Thanks Umbra for the indoor water barrel ideal...I had been thinking on a collection container for the dehumidifier out put. I am into some GDP this morning...really potent smoke full of flavor ...one nug in the pan with lid off smells the room up. I am all in on some cannabis cologne or after shave...maybe even some cannabis scent auto air freshener. No officer....that is not the devil weed you smell, but rather this air freshener....and no you do not have consent to search! With 100's of cars smelling like cannabis at the check point Charlie road block....that's gonna take a while lol. Wishing all a pain & stress free day.

Fatties sounds like too much at one time for me -- Put a little this here Mimosa in the beer bottle bong and it'll get U there -- Then I had an extra cannacap and a piece of buttered toast !-- It's wet outside as usual !-- We got the heaviest dew -- Every morning - Then it gets hot !- -- plants are doing well - The babies just got to that 4 inch or so place where they start to kick it !-- For not knowing chit about growing weed in dirt they looking good !-- Got 8 cuts rooting in dirt - Looks like they might just root and live - I need 4 more cuts I think ?-- Wish I woulda started that Snow Desiel -x- Black Berry Snow Lotus-- That one is a bugger bear -- For hemp anyway !-- I got all kinds of hemp !- I'm a hemp farmer !-- I specializes in making hemp clones for the farmer to plant in the spring !

Edit :-- Pic of the cat up there ?-- Don't U just hate it when that happens ?
gooday all. overcast, rainy and cool(er) today. hopin to get out and whack on some more trees--great stress reliever.
neighbors brought over some chicken and cheese empanadas the other day so may be baking a pumpkin cheese cake for them. poor woman has stage 4 cancer.
hope everyone has a great day!
Hey Drcree-- I don't chop wood or haul water anymore - OK I haul a little water to the plants but U know what I mean !- Or shell beans and peas - I did my share !-- U guys got me all wrong !-- I don't have a problem with growing weed in dirt -- It's the shovel part I don't like !-- I spent my time in the garden chopping weeds with a hoe !-- That is not my idea of fun ! -- Let me get back to what I was doing - another cup of coffee and maybe a toke or 2 ?
Yesterday I found a stock pot big enough to make a bucket of wine -- It may not be traditional but I bring my "must" --- ( mash to a shiner )- up to a boil and clean the fermenter and everything with 10% bleach water before starting a run -- I don't want nothing alive in it while it is fermenting except yeast - I add it thru the airlock hole without opening the bucket the next day after the bucket is cooled - Anyway I have rounded up everything I need except which fruit ?
I'm leaning towards frozen blueberries !- It always seems to come out good!
Hey Umbra Dude !- Don't be coming around all cheerful and chit like that !-- Some of us working hard towards "Too High"-- I think I'm close !-- I been thinking about that Tranquil Elephantizer U pointed me at that time - I'm gonna be wanting that one back !-- Getting it is not gonna be easy is it ?

Umbra gonna say -- Keef don't U think U have enough Snow Lotus crosses ?-- - Probably !- But I want that TE back anyway !-- I'm old and high I don't need to explain myself !
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