Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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NorCalHal - had to swing by and mention 100,000 -hemp clones - My mind still be hurting on the how to do that !-- I don't think my grow room is big enough !- Chit like that takes some planning -- Even if it is hemp !- What do U do ?-- make a thousand clones then use them like mothers and cut each one into a hundred clones - I don't know but I'd like to know the process !
My clones aren't doing too well - It's the heat !--Some will make it but not enough for me -- The one that looks the best is the one that got dipped in rooting powder and stuck straight into dirt !- If it roots in this heat in dirt - that's what I'll do !
Transplanting the babies into bigger pots - They can stay in them until they're sexed !-- Nurse Larry - Blueberry Chocolate - Some Stacked Blueberry ( 2 of Umbra's)- This AK thang I did -- AK- X- BBSL -x-( BPU- x-BB)-- and Purple Mimosa --There's more they just not ready to transplant
-3-4 of each should give me my girls !
Starting to look like a real grow room !
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Checked my garden this afternoon and had to chop one of the purple haze due to balls showin...the other looks like it’ll go the same way but I’ll wait a couple more to be sure...I was looking forward to trying that... I got more seeds so I’ll try again when I start up indoors...not a bad day here temp-wise a bit of breeze every now and again...I should be doin somethin but I’m not...
Cheers ofc!!!
Hey Umbra, how's that SSSDH doing? I was reading about it in HT, I think. Somebody has been holding that tight for a while huh?
2RE, sorry about the nuts. That's a bummer.

I think at this point I'm just waiting on BoC #3 and #3 Lary w/Lemons. I hope they poke through too. Got em under the LED tube.
So much room in there! I can stand up straight.
RE --Not getting shot is always a good thing !-- I hope U ain't too old and slow to bob and weave ?-- -- Remember to run in a serpentine manner !-- All the time bobbing and weaving !
Adrenalin will show U how !-- Adrenalin is a powerful drug !--Somebody start shooting adrenalin will be there for U !--Pass a good time !-- They gonna have carnival food ?-- Pick me up one those turkey legs ?-- and something on a stick ?
I got shot one time!-- A friend and I were shooting I think it was Pears off a tree with a pair of .22 cal. pistols and we was drinking !-- I thought we were outta bullets and as I turned he shot me in the left arm with rat shot I didn't know he had and thought it was funny !-- I didn't !- If U don't know what rat shot is ? - It is like a tiny shot gun !- He shot me from up close too !--There may be another name for it but we called it rat shot !- It hurt but it mostly pissed me off -- He was a quick little Chit too -- I couldn't catch him - and he was laughing hard -- I was bleeding !-- Good thing we didn't have anymore bullets ?--I most definitely would have shot him back !- Every once in awhile a piece of that rat shot makes it to the skin !- Still got a couple little pieces of rat shot in my arm that U can see !-- The moral of the story is don't be drinking and shooting -- and always drop a bullet in your pocket in case U need it later !-- and getting shot ain't no fun even if it's rat shot !--
BOC. , day 63
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U did her right Nick !- BOTM ?-
Frosty !-- The one I had was blueberry-shouldn't have been but it was - So I bred it to BPU-x- BB a strong blueberry -- They up and that's gonna be my blueberry - (GDP-x- BPU )-x- ( BPU -x- BB )--Stacked Blueberries !''--I just gotta find The right girl !-I"m looking for Blueberry Muffins or a Blue berry Pie---She does a fresh blueberry too ---The genetics are there and if the environment is right - Like Nick did --That's what U get !
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Thank you guys, they do look pretty good but the grow suffered because a male got loose in the garden and with the exception of the BOC he sprinkled every plant at least a little. On a side note the male was a Sonic Screwdriver and there was a female sonic right beside him. As a result I gots a ton of Sonic Seeds if anyone wants 'em, they should breed true. Look up the genetics, kinda impressive.
Good Morning OFC... Amazing looking plants Nick...you gonna be clipping for a while on those.We are getting to the point of...needing some rain...this high heat is burning on the greenery here, we had all the excess rain earlier this year and now a drought. Saw a large buck in velvet on the walk yesterday morning....at least 10 points and a very muscular white tail. Amazing at the power of wild animals...he took a path up a bluff that a human would have needed a pull to get up, 2 powerful lunges and he was gone straight up the bluff. Off for today's walk...smoke it while you got it!

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