NorCalHal - had to swing by and mention 100,000 -hemp clones - My mind still be hurting on the how to do that !-- I don't think my grow room is big enough !- Chit like that takes some planning -- Even if it is hemp !- What do U do ?-- make a thousand clones then use them like mothers and cut each one into a hundred clones - I don't know but I'd like to know the process !
My clones aren't doing too well - It's the heat !--Some will make it but not enough for me -- The one that looks the best is the one that got dipped in rooting powder and stuck straight into dirt !- If it roots in this heat in dirt - that's what I'll do !
My clones aren't doing too well - It's the heat !--Some will make it but not enough for me -- The one that looks the best is the one that got dipped in rooting powder and stuck straight into dirt !- If it roots in this heat in dirt - that's what I'll do !