Will do Rose !-- Sometimes I take too many cannacaps for pain and it gets me way high but takes that to curb the pain !--- Be nice to have something for pain that didn't make me do the crab walk ! -- I just got out a long hot soaking shower and took a nuerotin and some other stuff !-- I'll manage !-- A least I can turn my head to the side again some !-- I got stuff to do I don't have time to hurt !
RE just let it go it'll show sex !-- That's another reason I perfer cloning to seed plants !-- The waiting is the hardest part !-- They show when they show and some fast and some so slow !
RE just let it go it'll show sex !-- That's another reason I perfer cloning to seed plants !-- The waiting is the hardest part !-- They show when they show and some fast and some so slow !