Hi there!
You can readily find all this info already posted on this site! Simply type it in the search tab and yer off and running!! But I'll try to give you a very basic list of items for a start up. Depending on what type of system you end up running you should have a circulating fan, lights( o'course) a space to grow in, some way insure a light tite closure, timers are a must, a thermometer/humidity meter, you may eventually need some way to rid your area of odor so think about that if you need it. And the containers you grow in are completely up to you and how deeply you want to get into the science of growing yer own. I use a very simple wick system for my plants and I know a friend who uses rain gutters and a flow and ebb system that's beyond my capacity for space. Yu may want to try carbon dioxide in your system and that's another area you should definately read up on before trying.
I could go onand on but you get the picture. Read around on this site and others to gather the info you need for a successful grow that won't get you frustrated if something goes wrong (it happens). #1? Don't tell a bunch of people you are growing your own herb. Here it's ok since no one really knows YOU but at home it's just best to be a stealth grower and keep it low profile.
Grow on and be safe!