High PH water

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2007
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Hi guys, i was wandering if some of you can help me solve this problem.
The equipment im using is a soil grow using biobizz all mix, 600 watt hps, 2 gallon pots and im watering using tap water but letting it sit for 48 hour or so while the chlorine or bleach evaporates, I am also using biobloom and biogrow for neuts and my babies are under 12/12 light schedule.

The problem i have had is nitro defficiency or so i think, the water im using is tap water not the best but its freely available, before the neuts are put in the ph of the water is around 7.4-7.5 with neuts added the ph drops to about 6.6-6.8 the same with the run off but in vegging some off my plants where showing yellow colouration throughout the leaves and even more so while flowering but i do understand the leaves turn yellow while flowering because all the energy is going to the buds.

Its too late for me to solve anything from my babies now as they are only 2-3 weeks away from harvest (pics included), but for my next grow i need to solve this problem in case it gets repeated so does anyone have any ideas whats causing the nitrogen ? defficiency if so how would i go about fixing it for my next grow, if anyone would be kind enough to answer :)

pics included although some of the pics do not show the yellowing in veg too well :( but in flowering is this how much they are sposed to go yellow ? this is my first time grow and all the knowledge i have gotten so far is from reading this forum :)

PS the ratio wasnt bad either 3 females out of 5, also the back left one is jock horror and both the front (which ive been taking bits off to smoke and check for quality) and back right are lowryders (i know i shouldnt have put them in there as they could have done with 18-6 light schedule but i didnt know they was autoflowering till it was too late :p

EDIT* sorry a little more info i forgot to write, the temps are stable around 75-80 humidity is around 40-50%, lights off temps drop to around 50-55 30% humidity, this is mt first grow so im not sure what to expect i mean these plants may well be healthy but im not sure any input would be appreciated.


20008-02-23 003.JPG

2008 13-2 003.JPG
Looks like to me there is nothing to solve. Most of the leaf problem your having is a natural thing of the buds drawing all the food from the leaves. As big as your buds are and as close as they are to being finished using a lot of nutes is going to make your buds taste a lot less sweet and a lot more green. Just let them finish on ther own. At this point just fresh water is all you need.
:holysheep: You are short on Nitrogen as far as I can tell. I was having the same problem and I started adding nitrogen to my flowering girls last week just as I add it to my vegging girls' food. No more, no less. My leaves were almost completely yellow... not good. The buds need healthy leaves to feed off...
Since I started feeding nitrogen with my other food, the bottom new tiny leaves are green again. So I'm pretty happy. I hope they look better tomorrow. And the buds are getting huge... I have been alternating my nutes, blooming food one watering, then general preventative nutes the next...
Get the book by Jorge Cervantes. He has a web site. The Indoor Grower's Bible... check it out. It's saved my life! Or I should say my plants' lives.
Some people don't like to give Nitrogen during flowering. But growing indoors seems to deplete it from the soil. Outdoors there's no problem with yellowing leaves at all as long as the mixtures in the soil are right... That's why I feel it's better for the plants to keep green leaves.
Just mixing up my knowledge of outdoors and bringing it inside. I'd love to hear from anyone who has other ideas and we could toss it around a bit!
Good Luck! Let me know. Check out my journal... really green... when I cut the mother plants down on nitro, they got really spindly
and yellow... I had read that less nitro makes better clones... so I did that, but I won't again. I'm finding they do better and make better clones with nitrogen supplemented all the way through. I use 1/4 teaspoon of Mega Naturals 16-0-0 per gallon. If my veg room yellows a bit I up it to 1/2 teaspoon a gallon along with the other food. If they get too too dark green, it's time to cut down on the nitro. It may depend on the strain. Just watch the plants and they will tell you what they need. Good luck. Let me know what happens. Yours look almost done... It may be time for straight water??? Are you in your last week or so???
Tw!stEd.. :p they look "perfect" for late flower.. "IMO".
but if the late term yellowing concerns you, next grow, try continueing feeding veg nutes(high N) through the first 2 weeks of flowering, THEN revert to your flowering nutes. IME, the plants really need the extra N during those early weeks to support the "stretch".. ;)

this is my first time grow and all the knowledge i have gotten so far is from reading this forum
You've done well, grasshoppa'.. :)
cheers for all youre replies and yes Ettesun its too late to give them anything now as they are 2 weeks away from harvest or there abouts (depends on the trics :p) so they are on straight water now.

I shall try giving them some high N neuts on my next grow while in veg to see if that makes a difference, i just wasnt sure if the N defficiency they had during vegging would effect the overall quality of the bud, i did have some ideas to stabalize the ph like adding lime into the earth i just wanted to see if there where anymore ideas out there like what hick suggested.

My next grow is a way off but no harm in gaining more knowledge as i can till then but thanks guys i'll smoke one for ya :p
Yes, I totally agree.
And you know... mine were not given that first two weeks vegging nutes under the HID 1000 light due to my 'partner's' bad advice and my lack of knowledge. He said they'd be fine... and I was way to congenial...
He's been steering me wrong all along... so much for growing with an ex-boyfriend!!!!! :fid: Too late to feel sorry... my girls are looking good. Maybe next time I won't have to supplement so much nitrogen.
Off I go to work... :watchplant: :bolt:

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