Help plants turning yellow and drying out

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yes, when the lights are off temps can drop fairly.
blancolighter said:
Unless you are reading a 6.5 or so off your PH pen saying this, you are making a hasty mistake. Never assume your PH is good, even the PH of bottled distilled water can fluxuate, you always gotta test and be sure of your PH. Knowing your PH is the first step in the proper diagnosis of all plant problems. Even knowing you have a correct PH can help prevent many a misdiagnosis when you plant is having troubles, so it always pays to know your PH.

:yeahthat: PH IMO is the single most important thing :hubba: the runoff of my soil is 6.5 and I water at 6.5. Period. You saying you PH is "good" is pretty vague, this is something you should know to the #, and if your PH is off it is almost impossible to tell what kind of deficiency you have, the plant being able to eat with the PH off is like you trying to eat with a upset stomach.
My room has gottten down into the high 50's (night) but mostly it hovers in the high 60's (sometimes in the low 70's) I have a small space heater in there to help out when the light is off - the plants show no ill affects - with the light on the room stays at 75 +-

Just my 0.02

Good Luck and some GREEN MOJO for the ladies
yummy, don't most plants get badly harmed anywhere below 55 Ferenheit or am I mistaken?
blancolighter said:
Have you ever looked around the sick plants and problems section of the site??? There are many people new to growing in that section who massively over fert and NEED to flush to save their plant, or to prevent massive setback in its growth.

How about instead of calling me dumb by quoting a "wise" man who never repeats things he hasn't tried out (a statement you sound ridiculous repeating), think a second about what you're saying and try not to sound dumb.

DUH! Thats what flushing is generally used for, fixing a "I'm stoned as hell and double dosed my plants" problem, and Ihere you go tearing into me for that fact WHILE YOU AGREE WITH ME. What is wrong with you???

Hello again,

first off,please get your pulse down,take a breath ok?

You call that tearing into you? My my you must be of a very sensitive disposition?

Actually,many people flush as a matter of course and its this that I disagree with ok? Folk had mentioned perhaps flushing the plants shown in this thread which I think would be a bad thing at this point,don't you agree?

I'm sorry,I've just reread my statement about oldtimer and I think its in ok English,quite understandable,I don't see that is so 'dumb' about it?

And er,please,I did'nt call you dumb you merely assumed I thought you were and I thought no such thing so you calm down ok?
iClown said:
yummy, don't most plants get badly harmed anywhere below 55 Ferenheit or am I mistaken?

I think I read that, BUT I have never gotten that low, I like to keep them in the high 60's, so when the light comes on it is not such a huge temp fluctuation, BUT, I think that my soil being spot on (PH) makes the plants a little more hearty and able to withstand a little stress if the temp drops (it has only dropped like that 2 times - my fault) :eek:
Sir Puffs Alot said:
I will tell you when my lights shut off in one hour

I have my light come on at night when it is coldest out, but if you have Helicopters flying in your skies....
yumyumbubblegum said:
I think I read that, BUT I have never gotten that low, I like to keep them in the high 60's, so when the light comes on it is not such a huge temp fluctuation, BUT, I think that my soil being spot on (PH) makes the plants a little more hearty and able to withstand a little stress if the temp drops (it has only dropped like that 2 times - my fault) :eek:

Thanks that really helps alot.

Sir Puffs Alot said:
My night temp is 69 light off and my PH is good =6.5

Now are you sure that's your ph, do you use a tester, whats the humidity in the room whats the climate like where you live.
I had the same problem with one white rhino plant. I went on vacation for a couple weeks and came home to a very sick plant. It had yellow curling leave all over the plant.


I am doing ebb and flow hydroponics. My ph was 6.6, the curling was an indication of low Mg. I flushed the system. Added nutients to 1200, the recommanded dose of Mg-Cal, finial ppm = 1450. I clip most of the yellow leaves and a few days later the plant was nice and green with buds all over the plant.

Today, about 3 weeks later, the plant is doing well.
Sir Puffs Alot said:
My night temp is 69 light off and my PH is good =6.5

Well then it can only be a nutrient problem methinks so you say just fish emulsion has been given,so how much have you fed in total?

I think they just need a good slap up dinner!
Well then it can only be a nutrient problem methinks so you say just fish emulsion has been given,so how much have you fed in total?

Have you lost many fan leaves or had leaf loss from the bottom of the plant?

I think they just need a good slap up dinner!
I gave it 15ml of 2-4-1 in 1 gallon of water ever two weeks ....... but i went out 15 minutes ago and bought some shultz liquid plant food 10-15-10
There ya go,that does sound like too little feed is all.

In future I'd feed twice a week but at a lesser concentration of feed.I grow organically and feed every time but very dilute so the plants arent gorged and starved alternatively as this doesnt happen in nature.

Feeding with chems in soil is more difficult than organics I've found as all the food is available immediately so its easy to overfeed them.

Is the stuff you have bought organic?

They are hungry so a full strength feed first off and then follow with half strength(of manufacturers recommended) and see how it goes is what I'd do but as I say bi-weekly.
This is what the box says

Inddor house plants : just 7 drops (.53ml) per liter of water every time you water, everything you grow. for feeding once or twice a month use up to 14 drops (1.05ml) per liter of water.

All purpose "start & feeds" formula

-Feeds through roots and leaves as you water
-Excellent for transplanting, repotting, and rooting.
-safe, will not burn even in hottest weather when used as dircted.

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