I went to my local dispensary last night and grabbed a satchel of smoke for the weekend. Then went to one of my favorite eating establishments to order some burgers and fries.
While waiting in the drive-thru to pay for the food, I noticed the window attendant was fumbling the credit card from the customer in front of me. Then he raced to the pickup window, gave that customer their food and came rocketing back so I could pay for my food.
He was trying to run my card and he said "Hey, it's your lucky day - the card reader broken, so I am going to give your food to you for free!!"
I said SWEET, and he became quite talkative, overly cheerful, and jittery - which I instantly recognize.

I grabbed my food and told him, "Well, off to Besame." (dispensary down the street).
Dude says, "42, that's all I can say!" [420] I grinned, thanked him drove away and enjoyed about $25 worth of free food.