Hello from an Old Hippie

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Old Hippie

Smokin up da JOINT!
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
Was up Ya'll, bout to start havesting and wanted to find a place to learn a few more thing about when peek ripness happens outdoors. anyway I live in north alabama and have 4 tall and 2 short outdoor Female plants and there lookin GOOD!

Peace out
Welcome to MP. Hope to see ya around the forum.
~Welcome~ *Your Garden Sounds Great, any pics of the beautiful girls*

MAN! all my files are to big to upload, how can i get the size they require? any help?
I finally got my pic uploaded! Enjoy them, I know I will! LOL :cool:
Nice plants, SHARE, jk. Let us know how we can help. I wish I had the courage to grow outside.
im sure proud of my girls , they taste soooooooo sweet and good, Damn! im gonna have to go smoke a bowl, brb, puff puff puff, ok im good. yeah im pretty lucky live on 12 acres that is surrouned by hunting property. got the hell out the city! LOL lived in atlanta for my first 30m yrs.
but now im livin large 12 acres large!

Hows tricks Old Hippie, Thems some nice lettuce you have there! Your very lucky to have a nice big space to frollick with your girls!
I hear that! I love where I live on a private rd.on 12 acres of hunting property with haunting property all around. Gods County, virgin land, AAHHHHHHHHHH!
That will be some NICE firewood to get you through the winter!
Yeah, Im gonna be nice and warm This winter, with that fuzzy feelin you get after a big ole fat Dooby, knowin theres pounds more! man I got it made! dont have to work (hurt back-Disability) and smoke all day everyday on my land with no nieghbors for a mile, well almost a mile, Yeah, life is sweet!
I wish the peace and contentment i have for all ya'll too. cuase I feel damn Lucky!



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bud clos wow.jpg

Old Hippie your makin me jealous here, that is the life that im sure we all dream about!
Hey, Old Hippie, Your tellin' my life story! Spooky... I been damaged since '90. Fell off a ladder. Really put a hitch in my giddy-up. But, Like you I've been blessed with a large tract of land. Nice pics! Tell me about the cardboard box dealy ya' got there.Yer' dryin' in that, huh? From start to finsh? Thought I had a pic that looked just like your first one. Ihave to look.

I have a torn disc and 2 herniated disc, anyway Get a box whatever size you need, make sure its clean and has lids. take a large needle and thread and sew the thread from side to side, makeing the spaces as big or little as you need. make several holes on all side of box, I use an old bic pen it makes clean holes. hang bud in box, close box, dry about 2 weeks, then cure until gone.
its simple really, HELL, I can do it. LOL


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