Grow room ideas

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Mar 22, 2009
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Whatsup guys im new to indoor looking into setting up a grow room in a 10x10x8 area not sure if i want to use the whole room or not. i need help on what brand of lights to use, whether i should go cfl of mh for veg, which brand you have used in the past etc.. just want to discuss this with people that have seasons under their belt. Any soil ideas? i used fox farms ocean spray last year outdoor and it wasnt bad but im looking for super potent as is everyone else :hubba: Hoping to hear back soon thanks
What is your budget for this grow? What are your expectations? A 10 x 10 space is a large space.

Check out NV's super soil in the Organic section for a great soil recipe.
i have about $250 to start for room supplies.. i already have seeds and fox farms tiger bloom.. willing to invest more but only have certain amount available this week
That will get you started :) But you really need to think about how much bud you want to try to achieve per grow and then consider how much money you will be willing to sink into it. The reason we stress this is because we are trying to save you some headache of over spending on stuff that you don't need and then ballance that with what you do need.

As far as lights? your best method for top results is T5HO for vegging plants, and then High Pressure Sodium for flowering. Check out Ebay for lighting and these are 2 of my favorite web-hydrostores:[/url] and[/url] :)

If you are intending to grow something small to see if you like it then I suggest starting with a smaller setup, and/or get a growing tent or 2 as they are really great for micro-controlling environments within an environment. In a 10x10 area, if you want to get serious and do some long term growing for yourself and/or others, then you will need at least 2 tents. One tent for vegging young plants to get them ready for flowering and then at least 1 tent for flowering only. Doing it this way will allow you to rotate grows faster and will save you the headache of rotating lights. :)
where could i get these tents? and how expensive.. i would like to go as big as my budget will let me so i would only be interested in small plants if i had like 12 of them lol
We are asking how much you think you need to yield to fill your needs. This will help us determine how large a space you should have.

IMO you are going to need to come up with at least $500-600 even for a smaller grow, like a 4 x 4 space (a 10 x 10 would takes thousands and thousands to set up). Tents are available on E-Bay, Amazon and from hydro stores. A 4 x 4 tent will run around $150. Lighting, a 600W HPS (get an air coolable hood), will run $200 to 250. A 6" centrifuge type fan, a speed controller, and a carbon filter will run around $200.

The Hemp Goddess just quoted my entire operation. Do spend the money on the air cooled hood /light. Reflector mh/hps were too hot for my tent.

The way I look at it, I'm gonna spend the money and set it up right and it will pay me back later.
Iams said:
The way I look at it, I'm gonna spend the money and set it up right and it will pay me back later.

No truer words have ever been spoken:aok:
Considering that a good oz costs at least $300 most places, spending $500 or $600 to set up a 4 x 4 grow space doesn't sound too bad. Not to mention not having to go out and try and find a place to buy something decent, there is nothing like having your own that you grew yourself--there is just something so special about that.
You might look in our tent growers club thread. there are some there who use tents alot-I like the Secret Jardin myself-I have the 39x39x60 and its done well-And second that on air-cooled-I learned hard way.

And another thing-tell no one. Not even the guy who sits in the bar with you and everything you mention, he doubles it up on ya-just listen to them and say yeah-uh huh-cause they'll be the first to rat you out intentionally or unintentionally by blabbing to a state police investigator who is acting like their friend.(had to say it that way).


So do you think it would be crucial if I didn't use a tent/tents? The room I'm trying to use is 10x10x8 but I don't plan on using the whole space. Since I'm just starting I really don't plan on having one set close to harvest while I have another still vegging. Also, I plan on moving in a few months so I don't think I have enough time for anything more than 2-3 grows from seed to harvest with the amount of time I have. Any other ideas or opinions on how I could get the most out of my budget?
if your not using the whole room and not using a tent then u will need to make an enclosed space of the area your using. i'd suggest a corner of the room with an exterior wall. if your not running consecutive grows through cloning, then you'll only need 1 room. at this point i'd suggest a tent easy to pack up and move to new location. what dimensions u goin for? 4x4 3x3 5x5?
iBURNblunts said:
So do you think it would be crucial if I didn't use a tent/tents? The room I'm trying to use is 10x10x8 but I don't plan on using the whole space. Since I'm just starting I really don't plan on having one set close to harvest while I have another still vegging. Also, I plan on moving in a few months so I don't think I have enough time for anything more than 2-3 grows from seed to harvest with the amount of time I have. Any other ideas or opinions on how I could get the most out of my budget?

I am not sure how long you think it takes to take a plant from seed to harvest, but if you are moving in a few months, you probably do not have time to even do one grow, let alone 2-3. It takes from 4-5 months to go from seed to cured bud. If you push things, you can get it down to maybe 3-1/2 with a short veg and a fast flowering strain.

The problem with trying to use an entire room when you only need a small percentage of it is keeping control of your environment. When the space you require is not enclosed with reflective material, your light will disburse throughout the entire room, giving you a very low lumen per ft count and wasting light. You cannot say put a 400W HPS in the corner of a 10 x 10 room and hope for good results. It also gets harder to control humidity, temps and ventilation. For example during the winter, I have to heat my flowering space when the lights are out. It is far easier and cheaper to control the heat in my 20 sq ft flowering space than it would be in a 10 x 10 room. You are also going to need ventilation.

With that being said, you could make some kind of movable reflective walls with something inexpensive like PVC tubing and Panda film. You can look for great buys on stuff. I once found 2 150W HPS security lights at a yard sale and turned them into grow lights in small cool tubes quite inexpensively. I found a 400W MH at a storage unit sale for $20. If you are handy, you can make stuff and save a lot of money. We had a broke and toke club a while back--let me see if I can dredge it back up. It really is a good idea to have a place where others can learn how to maximize their budgets. But there are minimum requirements and I still believe that you are going to have a hard time with your budget unless you find some killer deals.

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