Grow Journal: Chimera's Mental Floss in Water Farm 8

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Drippers started 1 hour on 1 hour off on Day 24.
Water~255 ppm, pH 5.6.
The plants are looking great and seem to love the drippers! Check them out!

April 5 1.JPG

April 5 2.JPG

April 5 3.JPG
Looking good PP. Great work. Keep us posted on the babies. I will be pulling up a chair. Take care and keep us posted.
amazing, looking great! haha, i think since we have so much in common, we should have another thing... AMAZING PLANTS!!! haha, im definitely going to keep up with this and mimic a lot of what you're doing! check yo pms, i had an additional request
Update: Nutes ~750 ppm @ pH 6.5. I'm going to change the water soon and bring the pH down. I put some panda film on top of the hydroton to prevent the leaves from getting wet. It didn't quite go as well as I wanted, but it worked.

Hachiroku- I tried to get some close ups for you, but the way I have things set up it's tough. I also threw some stuff from General Hydroponics website on has a lot of good info on there.

If anyone has any advice, speak up.



April 11 1.JPG

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April 11 4.JPG
Looking great so far PP. Nice and healthy my friend. Keep up the good work and keep us posted. Take care and be safe.
I started flower 4 days ago, Day 39. Plants look great, but I have 4 confirmed males, 1 confirmed female, and 4 undecided. As is consistent with my previous grows, the strongest, sturdiest, and best looking plants are all males. Tomorrow I'm going to kill the males, put a 600 W HPS in there, and change to Bloom nutes. Check out the pics, and I'll keep you all updated! Until then, stay safe!

April 23 1.JPG

April 23 2.JPG

April 23 3.JPG
It's been a good while since I updated, so I decided I'd throw some pics up. I came out with 5 females-- 1 runt, 2 regular sized, and 2 monsters. I took them off the controller and moved them to a new room.They're all getting Flora Nova Bloom at about 1700 ppm. Check out the pics, and let me know what you all think!!

May 11 1.JPG

May 11 2.JPG

May 11 3.JPG

May 11 4.JPG

May 11 6.JPG

May 11 7.JPG

May 11 8.JPG
I think your doing a great job Puff. They all look lush and healthy. Awesome grow thus far, keep truckin. Pic 5 is my favorite, send that to AT&T. haha.
Lookin good!!!!!! All the Mentals ive seen before had some nice colors to them. You didnt get any of the pheno in any of yours??
thanks man for the close ups! the diagram also works AWESOME. I knew how it worked, but wanted a more detailed setup of how the 'pros' do it as to see any flaws and perfect it if i could. looks great. i opted to just stick with the flood table. ive got too many plants to go with one of these set ups.. just wouldnt be cost effective ya know? they are looking amazing though! im hopin in a month mine will be as big as these babes!!!
The ladies look fantastic! Great work so far. Going to be a nice harvest for you very soon. Keep the pics coming my friend. Take care and be safe.
FLA Funk: Thanks for the kind words. For some I don't think AT&T would appreciate the pics as much as we do here at MP!

Maine: Man I am hoping and praying that color will start showing in the next week or so. You are right though, most do have purple hues. I'm not a dealer so purple is not THAT important, but it would cool to have!

Hach: I guess I misunderstood what you were wanting! But I could not aggree with you more!! I was checking your grow out yesterday, and for the number of plants you have you're doing the right thing with the flood table. GROW ON you got good things coming your way!!

Smoky: Glad to see you still here!! I can always count on you. I was checking out your journal yesterday and man them buds you chopped look good!! Can't wait for the final pics and weight.

1700 ppm was a little hot so I'm going to run 1500 for the rest. I'm going to do some research tonight and get an enhancer of some sort just to give them a little kick in the rear end!

Can anyone recognize the bug in the first pic?? Saw him today and spent like an hour trying to kill him!! I don't see anymore, but I wanna be as proactvie as I can!! ANyone?? Thanks for the kind words everyone!!! Stay safe!

May 13 1.JPG

May 13 3.JPG

May 13 4.JPG
Thanks man. Im trying to clean up the set up a little more. I still have another 4x8 tray to go up eventually when i need the space, as well as three more 1000watt lights. im bouts to head out to home depot now to fufill the never ending list of stuff you need. UGH!

im still afraid to take clones lol, im unsure if my cloner will work properly!

no luck on the picture.. i almost gave up though because SERVER BUSY gee miny crickets. i had to reload that crap 10 times!
your plants are looking beautiful!
I am using the same grow system and thru my experience I have found keeping the buckets seperated is easiest for me. I was having trouble controling the ppm and php with them all connected.

I also found covering the rings with hydrotron works well. I run the drip 24 hours to keep the air moving thru the water

but I do love the set up with the air forcing the water into the rings, everything is so easy to keep clean and move around.

maybe after a few grows I will try to hook up the resoviour again, but for now I like them seperate.

I'll be watching your grow and learning! thanks again:D
Hach: Home Depot...aahh I love that place. I used to associate it with workin' with the ole man so I hated it...but now I love it. Like they say, "With age, you'll learn to love ______." HOME DEPOT. It's funny you mention the server busy b/c I tried to post in your journal for like 10 minutes and finally gave up b/c it KEPT doing that!

I like big buds and I cannot lie!! Haha, I love your screen name...simple but clever...I wish I were able to think of stuff like that, but I'm just not creative. I went to the single units for the exact same reason, so I'm right there with ya! I also keep saying, "One day I'll try the res again." but it makes such a good container to keep all my nutes, pH up and down, and meter supplies in!!!

Bought some Floralicious Plus and Kool Bloom today, both of which are enhancers. I'm going to snap some pre pics today and then mix some new nutes...I'm stoked! Stay safe, grow on...I like big buds and I cannot lie.
haha, yea, i think its about time for an update to good 'ol server. these things are really looking intense though, you think i could use floralicious and kool bloom in my grow with all my other stuff? (advanced nutrients 3 stage, hygrozyme, liquid karma, superthrive) And the more important questions, would i notice a difference by using those two products?!

Im stoked for more pictures! Ive probably already said this, but your set up is CLEAN which is sexyyyy. haha
yeah them water farms are nice... So i decided to build my own. I think it cost me around $20 each..
haha, my next question is going to be weird i know, and you cant compare apples or oranges, but do your best! how would to compare a flood table, or a water farm? for growing larger quantities, and assuming you had a limited space? What are the pros and cons? I could see optimizing space with both methods, but i think you would use less nutrients, and less water would be required? am i right, or are there other methods?

whatever happened to them bug/s?! Get em outta there?!
Have you looked into Slabs... My next setup will be all Rockwool slabs.. Heres a link to a you tube video of a system i am referring too...
And you can customize the trays to fit your growing area... Its just a spiffy dripper set up.. Absolutely great for using clones, and doing SOG..

Sorry did not mean to jack your thread...
Timmy: No problem man, jack it all you want, as long as folks are getting helped. I love the water farms, I also was going to build them until I got this 8 pack used off Ebay for $155 shipped. It was a steal plus it kept me from having to round up parts and spend time building it.

Hach: The floralicious plus and Kool Bloom definitely gave the girls a boost, in fact, my tallest one stretched back up in the lights again! Man I was mad! That said, I think they would definitely help you if used right, HOWEVER, when I buy my enhancers (nutes to add to the main one, in my case Flora Nova Bloom) I like to stick to the same manufacturer (in my case General Hydroponics). I know this is a little bit overboard, but oh well I still do it. This way I know I am not overdoing/underdoing any one element. If I were you, I'd check out what Advanced Nutrients has in the way of enhancers like carbo load or super bud blaster. Read their descriptions, check out some feeding schedules and then determine which one you think will be best for your beautiful gals. As for your other question, for growing the number of plants you have (alot!) I agree with Timmy, go with the rockwool cubes/slabs. I think it's a much more cost/time/labor efficient setup for doing a SOG type grow like you got. Drip Systems seem to be good for harvesting fewer but bigger plants whereas rockwool seems to be good for harvest many smaller plants (but DONT GET ME WRONG slabs can give BBIIGG PLANTS!!) Honestly though, in my opinion, Alot of Drip Buckets=pain in the butt!! Just think, you have to build ALL of those buckets, buy & clean a ton of hydroton, and then manage them....sounds like work to me. I'd probably go with the rockwool slabs or cubes with dripper stakes. Take this info with a grain of salt though b/c I've never grown with rockwool, but one thing I'm for sure of is I wouldn't grow 15+ plants with a waterfarm or waterfarm like setup that's for sure. FINALLY, the bugs are gone, I closed some holes in the room and killed that one, haven't seen any since.

Update: The first four pics were taken on May 14, the day I added the floralicious and kool bloom. The last four were taken today May 19. It may be hard to tell in the pics, but I can definitely tell a difference. The last pic is a bud growing out of a SUN LEAF...CRAZY!!! It's so cool. I'm getting really excited, I've had to buy my smoke for the past month b/c my previous grow stash ran out, so I can't wait to have a plethora of stash again!! Thanks everyone for stoppin' by and as always, stay safe!

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May 14 4.JPG

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