Hey guys this is my first grow with marijuana passion and I am stoked about it. I read other comments on other peoples forums and great feedback. Here is some of my pictures"
:icon_smile: really looking good.I've been looking for some green crack but cant find any(seeds). know any seed bank selling them?...here's some green mojo for ya!:icon_smile:
They are looking stellar, thc. They must be pure Sativa, and you are doing a great job with them -- green Mojo to you, my friend -- keep up the great growing.
Hey guys just got back from Payson, AZ camping in the beautiful cold *** mountain I let my girl take over while I was gone she did a pretty good job but had a couple of hiccups nothing to major. She let the water level get to low on the plants. She didn't realize that they are using more nuiets and water. so I got a couple of shrivel leaves. Well here are some pictures of it 5 weeks ago and when I get a chance tonight I will update you guys with the way the girls are looking after my trip before and after the trim.
I hope you like