Got my 600 Today

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Gone Baby Gone
Jun 14, 2008
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So I am now the proud owner of a Lumetek 600 watt MH/HPS lighting system. Im making the switch from CFL's.

I have also started building a new grow box. 4 Ft Long, by 4 ft wide, by 5.5 ft high. I have the shell constructed and should be done this weekend with the new buildout. I will take pics so that you can see the new setup once its completed....should be sweet!
Nice! I was thrilled to switch from cfl's to my 400HPS. You will see a huge difference!
Awesome light. I'm a 600 guy myself. Same size box too but a little taller. May want to consider building a bit taller (maybe 6-7 foot) if at all possible. I needed the room for my Hydro system and was well worth it.

Just my .02
Nice choice! You'll be happy you went with a Lumatek, you can put them anywhere you want without worrying about it heating up the space it's in or burning the floor/carpet beneath it, it's a cool running ballast that produces no noise at all.
how far away are you going to put the light? because i put mine about 2 feet or a little more from the plants and they are ALL sagging horribly. it's really depressing.... my first grow :(
kinda wish I had quiet ballasts, mine sound like jet airplanes warming up. It's the internal cooling fans that make the noise in mine. They are 600 watt digital greenhouse from HTG. they work fine but they are LOUD. I bought digitals so they wouldn't buzz like the magnetics but geeeeezzzz....oh well, someday they will burn out and then it's lumatek's for me. Anyway youll love the change to HPS. what hoods did you get? and bulbs?

edit: oh duhh... hoods and bulbs in other post...never mind
My hood is an air cool hood with the lens. It came with a 600 HPS bulb (not sure of type) but it says its 93K lumens.

the ballast doesnt get hot at all and makes no noise. Whe i got it and turned it on I thought it was broken...hahaha... It also has a Soft start, which lights the bulb a little at a time on startup. It starts dim and over about a minute gradually gets brighter.,,,,says it saves the life of the bulb.

I made the box 10 inches taller, thats as far as i could go. Ran it in the box and could literly touch the light and lens after 2 hours (it was super cool. Knowing this I will probably keep my lights 6 inches from the plants
good luck,the lumatek is awesome.i have my reflector no more that 1inch from the top of my plant.i do have the sunleaves reflector with a lens and ducted.i can lay my hand on the lens and leave it there,no heat'll be glad you went with the lumatek.i know i am.

sorry i have the 400w

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