What is the type of drug test that you are going to take? If it is urine test, the time frame that you ahve specified is within the drug detection window. So please try to either use a detox kit or take lots of water and cranberry juice to flush out the toxins. 2 days time is sufficient for the drug to appear in urine.so take a home test before you go for the interview.
I had Probation had to take a drug test and i drink a gallon of water be4 i go and i pee as many times as i can and i go pee i meen it come out deluted but they didnt say anything about durty
Interview? Do they drug test you at the interview?
Detox drinks at the local headshop.
Don't give them the first, second, or third pee of the day.
Pray to whatever dude you imagine lives in the sky.
Hi their get some old schoool tooth past not the new tooth past but some that has been around for a while like old cogate take about 4 inches tooth paste in your mouth drink it down with lots of cold water.
From a old school rasta.
Also coconut water will clear you up as well.fresh from a coconut