freaking out...major panic setting in right now

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i read you say you have lots of other plants around the house?
you could always play dumb "if" anyone comes sniffin` about.
say that it sprouted out of some soil you bought for your "real" plants;) ,it looked like a nice plant so you decided to re-pot it and grow to see what it would turn out to be. play dumb for one plant, no problem. they could never prove you are lying, there for no case.
yeah that`s the path i`d take. i`d buy that.:stoned: :cop: :smoke1: :smoke1:
probably is neighbours, but play dumb if you really want to keep the plant.
Don`t volunteer any information to anyone.
hmm...I dunno if they would buy that. I just checked the MJ laws here. It said for cultivation: 1 ounce or less- felony- 18 months- $10,000 fine. So I'm thinking this thing is gone for sure now. The plant is 8 inches tall right now so I fall under the 1 ounce or less category.
18 months and a 10k fine! that`s unbeleivable, for less than an ounce!!
i don`t know what to say:eek: , i feel for ya man. that`s tight dude. your correct, get rid of that little monster, probably gonna be a dude anyway!
get rid of that sharpish, no messing about man. wait till the coast is clear. a few weeks, see what happens.then you can watch them safely, watching you. keep yer peepers open for sure:cool:
yeah...I'm pretty depressed that I'm cutting this thing up right now. But this is one anal state. My first grow is now over...I'm not sure if they can take my computers to search the activity...Think they could somehow link me if they come across this site and others?
if it was the police u would have had problems by now. if ur gonna plant it outside go ahead and do it unlooked. might just be a neighbor who knows it or one looking thru ur window. u have more an home invasion then an arrest to fear.
Well, I figured I'd play it safe and dispose of my plant. Which is sadly, what I did. So for a few weeks I'm just going to lay low and wait it out. See what happens if anything. And then I'll start up again. And by then I'll have all my new lighting systems so I can build my stealth grow box.
did u realy kill it? if so sorry to hear that. i would of baby set it for u lol. i know not time to joke sorry. but anyways i dont really know where ur from but im from the boston mass area and i do know one thing that they would need a search warrent to go in ur house and here thats not enough to get one. two if they went on ur land with out u knowing then that is trus passing so in court that would all get thrown out. but u did what makes u feel safe and thats all that matters. around here they have more to worry about than a couple of home growers. unless ur growing large amouts to sell. well u have a great day and sorry about the spelling for some reason i cant fuction this morning lol maybe its cause i havent smoked yet lol. oh buy the way if u look out my window u can see the police precent about 30 feet away lol so i get a little nerves once and awhile. peace
haha, yeahh I had to take this one down so I could sleep easy. It sucks because I enjoyed watching it grow so much, but I know I can always grow another one. And I most definitely will be growing more plants. But this time I'll do them the proper way and take the necessary precautions so I avoid all this in the future. I'll be back, you can count on it ;)
LaserKittensGoPewPew said:
I'm not sure if they can take my computers to search the activity...Think they could somehow link me if they come across this site and others?

This information is for you and everyone else as well, LKGPP.

IF you do something that enables the police to seize your computer, then yes, the cops sure have people that can get into every site you visit.

Since you have posted personal pictures that identify you to both the house you live in AND your member name here on this site, then YES, the police could easily figure out that every post you've made here is from YOU as the actual person you are.

I keep trying to tell people NOT to post pictures that show enough of their real life property to identify themselves, but over and over, people just like you, have posted pictures of their cars, their house, their street, whatever. I remember several that show entire walls of the living rooms with photos and nic-nacs on tables. Good Grief! Cops are not stupid.

It's no problem UNLESS you do something that enables the cops to seize your computer. Then, it's a real and tragic problem.

Any cop worth half their pay could compare your pictures that you've posted as your member name, to the same exact place in your house and use it against you. They don't even need to get anywhere near the server to do this. They can't get any information from the server, so they would have to look for people who post nice clear pictures of their house and the houses across the street, cars parked on it and the streets themselves. That does all the work for the cop.

A cop friendly botanist to identify the plant in your window, on the stand and you're busted for growing.

If you PM me with the links to any pictures that you've posted that show your property, I'll be glad to delete them from the threads that they're in.

BE SMART PEOPLE. DO NOT POST ANY PICTURES THAT ANYONE STANDING IN YOUR HOUSE COULD IDENTIFY YOU WITH. If the cops are in your house anyway, you've done something that brought them there, like putting a marijuana plant in plain view of anyone who looks at your house windows.

I've been growing indoors, in 5 different states and three different countries. I've never even gotten a traffic ticket. I have no contact with any cops for any reason, ever. After 25+ years of indoor growing, I've never even come close to a bust.



These things DO happen. Cops are sneaky, very sneaky. They will try anything to bust you. They get brownie points for busting people. They will try hard to bust anyone. They live for that crap.



Was I clear enough this time?

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Stoney has now left the building...
well let me say this much NOT EVERYONE IS PERFECT some ppl learn from there mistakes they may have to pay for them and they may not but they do learn from them. I know that i do lol. I wish i was perfect than i would have everything i wanted but im not. i know that when u grow there is no time for mistakes at all in ur life but it does happen so like i said u have to learn from them and move on. peace
LaserKittensGoPewPew said:
Thank's stoney. And I'm sending you a PM now with thread links.
BINK, BINK, BAM, WHAMM, I got ya covered!

All good now.
careful on the details of what yer gonna do with it. Any po' reading this might look at your house at 1-2am now. maaan having suspision is the worst thing for a home owner, cause now your in the book and they will suspect you until you move : ( b careful
Ya know... what I would do personally... well Do you have any friends who are trustworthy? I mean like you trust them with your very LIFE. If so, maybe they would watch it for you for a little while. If its within a few weeks of harvest it shouldnt be a problem. I would do it for you because I totally feel your pain.
All the time and love you put into it and now you feel like you might have to kill it... I know it must be hearbreaking.
Sticky_Budz said:
well let me say this much NOT EVERYONE IS PERFECT some ppl learn from there mistakes they may have to pay for them and they may not but they do learn from them. I know that i do lol. I wish i was perfect than i would have everything i wanted but im not. i know that when u grow there is no time for mistakes at all in ur life but it does happen so like i said u have to learn from them and move on. peace

Stoney is just trying to help him learn now before he has to learn from his mistakes when the cops get involved. The name of the game here folks is CYA Cover Your A**. Don't do anything that could reveal who you are. Don't say what state you live in, don't say what car you drive, don't say how many kids you have or if you are married or single. Nothing personal should be given out. I know it is hard sometimes to keep all that to yourself, especially when it is second nature to let out "oh my fiancee did this . . . " or "my grand am gt took a crap" in normal conversation, but best case here is that all that stays private.

Really though, my best advice for you is to lay low for a while. Not just a few weeks, but a while. The plant is gone now, so rest easy, but not to easy. EVER VIGILANT! Destroy the evidence and just bide your time unitl you can start again. Also be smart about it. Everyone was young once and trust me 98% of the people in the world know what a pot plant looks like. Don't leave it on your window, or in plain site for that matter. Something like that being in plain site is grounds for an officer to come into your house without having a warrant.
hey i wasent downing stoney at all. and if anyone thought that than they thought wrong. thats why he is here to watch over ppl so they dont make the same mistakes twice and thats what he did thats why i said that no one is perfect and that they learn from there mistakes gotta go get ready to bring the kids to the circus have a great day everyone peace
Sticky_Budz said:
hey i wasent downing stoney at all. and if anyone thought that than they thought wrong. thats why he is here to watch over ppl so they dont make the same mistakes twice and thats what he did thats why i said that no one is perfect and that they learn from there mistakes gotta go get ready to bring the kids to the circus have a great day everyone peace

Your the man sticky!!! I didn't think you were coming down on anyone I was just adding to your point.

Also, the circus rocks!
lol thanx man the kids should be here soon thats all they have been talking about lol. hey did u ever figure out what that white stuff on ur plant was?
I got a couple experts working on it right now. So we should have some answers soon. For now I'll chaulk it up to just a natural thing till I have reason to think otherwise.

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