This quote comes from a blog entry that seems pretty legit, posted by a seed bank or I guess seller. I won't say who, because I don't think that matters. Anyways, here's what they say about foliar feeding. Any y'all do that?
Me either. It doesn't happen in nature, does it?I don't do it.
I had one big leaf that fell against the stawk and made that slime mold like you see dead flower blossom do. I picked it off but it made a big scar on the stalk. Killed the bark like stalk rot. I don't foliar feed because if I put to much on the ground a rail will help but I'm afraid if I burn the leaves it's easier to screw up. If I watched people do it I could learn. I always use less anyway.I don’t do it since my humidity is around 60 I don’t want liquid on the plant.