Flowering White Widow Mother

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my flowering cycle is right at 8 weeks 2 days. vegg cycle is kinda hard to figure. i guess the mom is over 2 mo. old and had been cut on a few times. if you take cuttings about a week before you put the mom into flower, your cuttings should be nice size plants by the time your harvest of the mom comes in.
Heres a few pix i took yesterday. She's allmost done. :D





they look so gooooooooooodddd.................can't wait for mine to be ready. :)
Harvest occured yesterday morning. i shut down the lights on friday and let them sit 36 hours in darkness. she really reaked with smell when she was cut. totally filled my flowering box, which i use to dry in. :)

i also ran out of my previous stash a couple days ago so now i'm waiting for this to dry enuf to smoke. i know i'll be tokin it by thur or friday, but the waiting is the hardest part.
weeddog you let them sit 36 hours in darkness before you cut it or after? and why did you do that?
bizzy..It is rumor that placing them in total darkness for 36-48 hrs, they will show an increased trichome production. However, my observation,in side by side tests, I failed to see any difference.
i like to harvest after a long dark period. although i never had a side by side grow to test the theory, it seems to make the weed smell stronger. i've also read that trichomes are produced during the dark period. so a long night for sure dont hurt anything.
That's one fine mamma you got there Weeddog. Thanks for posting man. It's great to see a mum in full flowering. Nice!
Thanks yall. Ive been torchin some of the drier buds and is some really fine smoke. :)
I think I'll put my mind at a little ease and grow some maters for a while, or give a try at some strawberries. They are legal, ya know. :)
thats only one fukin plant? holy **** i need sum better **** then my plant is purple but doesnt get even close to that much bud holy ****
Nice Plant Bro. Heres One Of My Widows,i Have 2 Going Now In Veg Stage And One Clone. I Am Going To Startflower At 5 Weeks (7days From Now). Imm Waiting For New Light. 2 Ck1s Are Flowering In Closet Now. Will Take Pics And Send Later. Widows Are 21 Inches Now. I Will See If I Have Any Girls In2-3 Weeks.

Take your time, dont be in no big hurry. I'd top that thing a few times and let it vegg for another month.

Finally got all the bud in jars. Turned out total dried weight at 16oz. :)
Thanks for the advice. You talked me intoit. My other plants will keep me going for months,so no hurry. Patience is a virtue. right my friend.
Heres some plants that got a slow start, mostly due to my lack of knowledge in hydroponics. Wrong food, ****** flourecent lights, they were good clones to start with. anyway all is better now, G.H. food, hps and mh lighting, flood and drian, ro/di water,exhaust fan in ceiling, adjustable floor vent in a little over 2 by 3 1/2 ft. closet:cool:


got just over 500g. i put 30g in a quart jar and got 16 jars, plus had 20g of swag stuff. it was my best harvest from one plant. :)
500 grams from one plant, that's great man. That's half a kilo.
weeddog is the 500 gr. guy. i will let you know what mine weigh later. I can only hope like hell I get that much.
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