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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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First I want to say that I understand most of you apparently do not like MG soil.Second I am only trying to grow about 4 plants.I put 4 seeds in MG and have gotten 4 plants which are now about a foot and a half tall:holysheep: .I have 3 females and 1 male:D .I Have already transplanted into,you guessed it,MG moisture control.I know they still have a ways to grow yet.If they make it,great,if not oh well.So far though I must say I haven't experienced the problems associated with MG products and started the seeds by just putting in the soil and watering,no paper towel germination or anything,just water and hope.i'm not into it hardcore but if I can grow some why not.Maybe I'll be a lucky one and have some luck with the MG stuff if not i will have learned a lesson.This is a great site with alot of knowledge to be had.Hopefully my future grows will bear fruit.
Hello Oldsman :)

Welcome to the forum.

We will be here when you come calling ;)

Good luck on your grow :aok:


Well after starting seeds in miracle grow,then transplanting into more miracle grow I have 3 females going out of 4 seeds.The fourth seed was a male(he's no longer with us).This is seed from decent smoke that I liked.There was 1 seed that came up later than the rest and is smaller so far.I do have a couple questions:1;There is an outside light(HPS shop type light)that lights the yard and shines on the girls at night.Do I need to move them or block the light to put them totally dark?I know it is a small amount of light but they appear to be bending towards it.They straighten up during the day.2;I am planning on 1 more transplant.My nieghbors have horses and I figure they won't miss a couple piles of the manure.Is this good to use? I try to read as many posts as I can without asking a bunch of stuff.I learn new things on here everyday.I really want to try some autos.I have an 8'x8' shed I'm sure would hold 3-5 plants,but first I have more to learn.Thanks to all you.




oldsman said:
Well after starting seeds in miracle grow,then transplanting into more miracle grow I have 3 females going out of 4 seeds.The fourth seed was a male(he's no longer with us).This is seed from decent smoke that I liked.There was 1 seed that came up later than the rest and is smaller so far.I do have a couple questions:1;There is an outside light(HPS shop type light)that lights the yard and shines on the girls at night.Do I need to move them or block the light to put them totally dark?I know it is a small amount of light but they appear to be bending towards it.They straighten up during the day.2;I am planning on 1 more transplant.My nieghbors have horses and I figure they won't miss a couple piles of the manure.Is this good to use? I try to read as many posts as I can without asking a bunch of stuff.I learn new things on here everyday.I really want to try some autos.I have an 8'x8' shed I'm sure would hold 3-5 plants,but first I have more to learn.Thanks to all you.

First, welcome to MP. Thanks for making a good intro and the pics.
Second, you don't need to worry about the yard lamp until it is time to put them into flower. THEN you need to do something about that.
Manure is wonderful stuff because it contains all the nutrients that plants need, BUT it needs to be WELL ROTTED or it will kill your plants quickly.
Third, MG 'soil' isn't really soil, as I understand the term. However, it will grow MJ. But much better would be to get some coco coir and transplant into that. Take a look at Mass Producer's 'hempy buckets' thread.
Best of luck with the grow! Looks like you're doing fine so far.:D
I am new also, and I just planted 7 seeds with water & hope2, LOL! =) I use the MG that use mix w/water and my plants love it! Ur plants look fine 2 me, like u said "if they make it they don't Oh well" that is my logo 2, Good Luck and keep us updated!
I have now moved 2 of my girls into the ground,reducing the Miracle Grow :) down to what didn't stick to the root ball.The first girl didn't shock at all,absolutely no drooping.The second girl was drooping before I finished burying her.My third girl is still in the planter with M Grow.


Why do some sets of leaves have 5 fingers and the next set 7 then the next set 5 then 7,then 5? is this good?normal?

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