Zem, mites generally feed on the underside of the leaves, sucking the juices out. They generally do not really feed on the buds, but may be present on buds if you have as bad infestation (and he does). They do not feed on the buds and leave all their poop behind however. The bud is fine to smoke.
Zem, I do not know what kind of bug/pest you had. I only seem to get mites up here in the mountains and they do not eat buds. Spider mites are almost microscopic and don't actually eat plant material, but suck juices out. Anyone who can help Zem out with what kind of spider eats buds?
Zem; not sure what that was that you had. The insect world is 5x as vast and varied as our world so it could have been a different variety of spider mite or plant eating mite. It could have been tiny caterpillars. There are lots of plant munching critters.
Gooch; it should be fine that you removed some of the leaves. If you have a real "leafy" plant, its not too bad to remove some of the fan leaves during flower but you have to be careful in doing it as it can stress the plant into herming. hopefully, if the genes are strong for that plant(s) then they will survive the stress without herming.
For future reference, the little white spots that I can see on the healthy leaves in the pics that you posted above, those are where the mites have punched their juice sucking straws into the leaves and sucked out the green juice. Thrips and mites will often show that way. With thrips, they typically will start on the bottom leaves and work their way up, leaving the leaves with thousands of little white spots or tiny white trails on the leaves. With the mites, you will often see the little white spots before you see the webs.