First Time(A Charm?)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
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Sooooo, got a sporout out of my two seeds I germed, it's 5 days old, maybe an inch in height.

It's in a fishtank ATM with 2 20 watt natural light CFLs and a 20 watt Flourescent.

I have two other seeds germing that are about ready to pop.

Temp is kicking around 80-85 in there now, kinda humid, hight= temps are good for sprouting no?


You should try and get the temp to stay at 80 or less. ;) Do you have a fan blowing on them? Here's some GREEN MOJO for them babies.
think "oxygen" when you mix your soil...the more airated the soil, the faster the initial growth...i only say that because in the pics, it looks like the soil is kinda "packed" in there.....and they could be a little bigger at 5 days'll get it...try more perlite next time you mix...i'll sprak one for good luck
just look at those little ones...a fan would help in makeing the stalk stronger..allthough the plants are in those cups kinda deep..and i mix my Organic potting mix with 50% prlite..helps drain and dry out more evenly..More mojo your way my friend..what the room they will be going in? or are you running in that fish tank the whole grow? Thanks for shareing Keep us peoted but most of all KEEP M GREEN
Yeah I am gonna have to invest in a fan next week to help the little guy. I tgive th stalk a little puch back and fourth once and awhile to help with the stalk.

Ummmm, the soil is a little compact bu I had just watered it for the first time in two days(Will let soil dry out then in 2 days add more)

Ummmmm, fish tank is just gonna be for vegging. Gonna be constructing a grow box next week that will measure 2 ft deep x 3 wide by 4.5 ft tall.

Big enough for 2, but I figure if I do some LHT and find the best time to flower I could get away with 3?(maybe 4)
I'll be running a 400 HPS, and will be using a exhaust/carbon filter that I have rigged up.

I know they are kinda deep in the cup but I wated to get some light rflecting around there. Day 6 is upon is, 2nd set of serated leaves are in.

I' happy with the progress, he doesn't seem overly small compared to some that I have see on here so I am happy.

Thanks guys, better pictures will come. I promise :)
Hey there folks, just thought I would put up a decent picture for you to look at rather than that blurriness before.

Anyways, you can definatly lots of growth in the leaves, second jagged set are coming in nicely. STalk is still very short, which I'm liking. Looking good :)

Keep up the good work dude your on your way! I agree with the rest here get yourself a good fan cause your going to need it with that 400w HPS your temps with be up there man. As well look into getting a good intake fan to go along with your exhaust, you need fresh air from another location outside air preferred. Good Luck dude!
Cheers man, yeah, a fan will be purchased next week for vegging and it'll just be put in while flowering. I'll play the intake by eye when the time comes, if I can get away with giving it fresh air via opening door, then that will suffice, but I will definatlyhae a look
Good news, after mass confusion with the buyer the light is on it's way (and has been since the 21st) contrary to my beliefs. All in all some good news :)
The HID lamp? Or the ballast?

GREEN MOJO good luck and stay safeee!

P.s. what brand did you decide on man?

P.p.s. This should be posted in grow journals, any mods reading this?
400 watt HPS, Ballast, bulb and the whole shabang. It's a referb off Ebay but it's under warranty so all is well.
Two more seeds will be ready to pop in the dirt tomorrow morning.

Yeah, sorry about the wrong forum, my bad.
Hey all, so I think this is day 6 out of dirt.
Got two more germed seeds stuck in soil.

My little guy is shaping up pretty nicely, he's still just over an inch an inch tall but is getting nice and bushy :) Six new sets o leaves are making there way out and loving the light.

Picking up a fan tomorrow for some stalk-loving.

Of, and this picture is 48 hours after the previous. Good progress guys?

Lookin great man. I thinks i might need to get a little more powa over my plants.. they are slower than yours. My seedlings atleast. Mine look like that after 2 weeks =)

How close you keeping the light to the sprouts. Mine are usually 1-2 inches over them, depending on heat. Moved them back a bit today as the leaves were curling a wee bit.
Well now i have them from a half inch to about 2 and a half depending on thier heights.

Got them under new lamps so i hope they take off soon =)
Ill be following this grow closely. keep us posted!
For sure. I just put another germed seed in the dirt. One is ready to emerg soon hopefully with the latest follow close behind
hay bro them little ones are one there way, i freaked out how fast mine grew. an i am just on week 3 with my largest plant, an my youngest are at a week an a half. good luck to them littie ones. u should plant some more, with the hps u are going to be running, u gotta take the male to female in toacount with just 2 plants.

btw are thies a know strain? or bag seed?
shhh,don't call her a HIM.she might decide to be a good luck

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