I had to be away from my plant for a weekend, as I was visiting my family for easter, so I topped off the reservoir, set a break in the lights, so the temps wouldn't get too high, and I thought I'd be okay to let it on it's own for three days. I return sunday night to a frightful sight. My plant is completely shriveled up and breaks to the touch. All I have left is a root system and an ugly stump sticking out of the hydroton. I'm going to let it for a few days, but I"m assuming it's just going to finish the dying process. Is it possible for a plant to regenerate from this far gone of a state? Is there a snowballs chance in Daunte's inferno that any new growth will result, or should I just cut my losses and start over now? The roots stayed wet, but pretty sure the entire leaf structure was scorched. The max temp on my gage only read 93 degrees which is the high end of normal for my grow area. I picked up the net pot to check the water and it was barely at the bottom of the pot. Is it possible that if the roots stayed alive that the plant can grow back, or is it a goner?