First Grow! HTG tent, 400 W HPS/MH conversion, Fan/Filter combo

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So Ive began my grow! Ive germinated 5 seed(Jock horror strain) and placed them into my fox farm soil late last night. I know the light isnt really necessary yet, however I needed it on for the lighting in my pics. Im using a growbright inline fan rated at 170 cfm and a carbon fliter as my exhaust, and a passive intake. Please take a look at my setup and let me know what you think. Im pretty sure I have all the bases covered, but like I said this is my first grow and and advice is welcome! More pics will follow as my ladies begin to grow! :watchplant:





Way to start off using the right stuff. I finally got a carbon filter now in my 3rd grow and I'm loving it. I also just set up a Hombox tent and it is way better than my first DIY box.
thats a great setup, look forward to seeing how you go!! good luck
very nice setup for a first grow. u really planned it out n u got some bomb seeds too. i really wana order some but idk if i feel safe. where did u get yours if u dont mind?
Thanks guys, I really appreciate all of the kind words. Ive always considered myself an over achiever and I figured if im going to do this I should do it right!

Blaze, I ordered my seeds from Nirvana seed bank. You really have nothing to worry about when it comes to ordering seeds, and the security at which they come to you. All of the orders are shipped very stealth and arrive very quickly. I have nothing but good things to say about Nirvana.
Trafic said:
Way to start off using the right stuff. I finally got a carbon filter now in my 3rd grow and I'm loving it. I also just set up a Hombox tent and it is way better than my first DIY box.

It really is a good investment. And when your doing a small grow like myself, a tent is def the way to go :)
its the only way, you get bk what you put in with these plants.
Blaze attitude are really good but also nirvana are great, only down side to nirvana`s site is its purely nirvana`s strains. iv grown nirvana seeds twice with really nice results, and for price there really good. but i cant help thinking therez much better out there.
its the only way, you get bk what you put in with these plants.
Blaze attitude are really good but also nirvana are great, only down side to nirvana`s site is its purely nirvana`s strains. iv grown nirvana seeds twice with really nice results, and for price there really good. but i cant help thinking therez much better out there.

Ill def have to agree with you white, I shopped around for seeds and Nirvana has some of the best deals out there. Im sure there are better seed available from other sites, but for my first grow it was just right for me
i dont know how much better it can get white they post thc levels at 25 plus on some strains i know their white widow is super potent for me nirvana rocks
for price and product nirvana is defo the best i would say. bubblicious is a favourite of minze, currently got papaya on the go with just a few days to harvest..looking really sweet. i fancy giving one of barneys or greenhouse`s strains a try though.. on youtube there is a few vids from greenhouse.. strain hunters is amazeing.
i know man i could spend a fortune on seeds get on their websites and just drool lol, let me know how that bubblicious turns out i been thinking of trying that have a great day
I'm on day 3 with my ladies and they have just broken ground and exited their outter integuments. I have a few questions tho.. Should I continue to keep my fans on even when my light is off or keep them on continuously. Also how close should I
Im on day three with my ladies and they have all broken ground and exited there outter integuments. I'm really excited but I have a few questions. Should I turn the fans off when the lights go off or keep them on continuously?? Also how close should I place the light??

P.S. sry for double post my comp is POS :)
i dont have my fans on when my lights are off, purely because it was makeing it too cool in my room. i run the same type of light, and at this stage i wouldnt get it closer than 60cm due to the heat and how fragile the plants are at this stage. i gradually move it closer as the plants mature, by the time my plants are flowering the light will be at 32cm from the plants and remain at 32cm right through flowering.
Ok so I'm about 2 weeks in and as you can see my ladies are looking pretty good. My only concern is the small amount of nute burn on one of the tips of my first set of leaves. I guess I should have listened when everyone told me to be careful about using the FFOF soil. It is pretty "hot" but the burn isnt too bad and my plants are doing well so I'm not going to concern myself with it too much.



P.S. sry for the poor quality of the pics, my camera phone is not the great and my camera is not available to me right now. Thanks for visiting!
Those girls are tiny for being two weeks old. They look about two days old. So how are they looking now? Ive never tried the FF soil but it definitely has burned your babies. Ive almost bought the Jock Horror seeds a few times but I always change my mind last minute so I cant wait to see your grow.
Dude, what the heck? Imma try to help ya, so let me borrow your ear. First, by the looks of it, ya got good equipment, nice. On to the nitty gritty, for 2 weeks old, they aren't lookin' too good, you should have 2 or 3 or more sets of leaves now, you are barely starting your 1st. I think you are overwatering, I think the light is probably too intense for now, I think the soil is too hot. The first 2 should be easy to fix, stop watering so much and switch to some flourescents for the time being, until they get a little bigger. The soil, well, I would recommend that you keep them in the soil they are in now. The soil will probably run out of nutrients in the next couple days if you are 2 weeks in. They say the nutrients last the first 3 weeks, so your soil should be running out of them. Good luck, and remember to let em dry out before watering, just because the top of the soil is dry doesn't mean the bottom of the cup is!
gmo said:
Dude, what the heck? Imma try to help ya, so let me borrow your ear. First, by the looks of it, ya got good equipment, nice. On to the nitty gritty, for 2 weeks old, they aren't lookin' too good, you should have 2 or 3 or more sets of leaves now, you are barely starting your 1st. I think you are overwatering, I think the light is probably too intense for now, I think the soil is too hot. The first 2 should be easy to fix, stop watering so much and switch to some flourescents for the time being, until they get a little bigger. The soil, well, I would recommend that you keep them in the soil they are in now. The soil will probably run out of nutrients in the next couple days if you are 2 weeks in. They say the nutrients last the first 3 weeks, so your soil should be running out of them. Good luck, and remember to let em dry out before watering, just because the top of the soil is dry doesn't mean the bottom of the cup is!

Thanks for the help gmo. I def. figured out I was over watering and ended up destroying the seedlings i had started. I just began germinating some northern lights this mourning.. Im going to just start the seedling in the final 5 gallon pot to make it a little easier for me to tell when it needs water. Also I had my light to close so i plan on just putting farther back. Hopefully this will go better for me the second time around.. :confused:
maineharvest said:
Those girls are tiny for being two weeks old. They look about two days old. So how are they looking now? Ive never tried the FF soil but it definitely has burned your babies. Ive almost bought the Jock Horror seeds a few times but I always change my mind last minute so I cant wait to see your grow.

I found out this strain was somewhat difficult to grow after i bought it. Def not for a beginner. I found out the hard way
acurarsx_types06 said:
Thanks for the help gmo. I def. figured out I was over watering and ended up destroying the seedlings i had started. I just began germinating some northern lights this mourning.. Im going to just start the seedling in the final 5 gallon pot to make it a little easier for me to tell when it needs water. Also I had my light to close so i plan on just putting farther back. Hopefully this will go better for me the second time around.. :confused:

Glad to see your gonna try again! I would recommend not starting in the 5 gallon pots right away, just because of how hard it is to water small plants in them, they just can't use the water quick enough and it leads to all kinds of root zone problems. Start off in those 16oz cups ya got, just go a little easier on the water. When they are small they don't need much at all, a shotglass full of water should last 3 days or more in the seedling stage.

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