Finally Pics of my plants

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I would do a little "supercropping" or something to thicken those stalks up on the first one personally. They could also use some Nitrogen from the looks of it as well. Looking pretty good, man.
Supercropping is when you go above the first node and crush the stalk in between your fingers. Don't BREAK the stalk, just pinch it between your fingers all the way up to the next node. After that repairs itself (the stalk hardens and thickens up) do the node above and keep going up.This will stop vertical growth and cause the plant to repair itself (make the stalk stronger) and expand side growth (making the plant bush out). I have done it, and it works.

See this thread for more information and pictures of the results:
look how my purp took off since i put it outside. Pics 5 an 6 are of my smallest plant an its budding already






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